I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Overall just sounds like OP couldn’t clear his Mythic 0s before reset and is cheesed over it… /shrug


And he doesn’t wanna get kicked from his guild for whining because then his guildies would know the true reason why he’s here whining on GD.

He’s probably the reason they couldn’t clear it.

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Ah there it is, IRL harassment because you lost an argument.

Knew it was coming.

People just can’t admit when they lost.

All of that is the truth sweetie, none of that is “toxic”. I’m being honest, and you should be grateful I’m spending the time to educate you on how Mythics work.

He doesn’t play the game at all. He trolls the Classic forums, he trolls GD Forums.

Why don’t you prove it if it is the truth. Why don’t you show everyone your main?

I’ve shown you my main earlier in the thread. I’ve nothing to hide. So what is the real thing you’re hiding. Oh wait, that’s right, it is all a lie.

Talk is cheap.

Let’s see some proof.

I was going to show it but after you harassed me IRL and that other person kept calling me toxic and all these hurtful things, you lost that privilege.

Maybe try being a kinder human.

Oh, wow.


The guy who’s acting like he’s God’s gift to WoW, the guy talking down at everybody else who doesn’t possess his supposed skill level, is trying to tell someone else to be “a kinder human”?


And “IRL harassment”? Give me a break. I am God-Knows-How-Many miles away from you talking to you through a computer. How the frick am I “harassing” you, let alone in RL?

For someone who talks like they are oh-so-big and oh-so-tough, you sure can’t take some criticism worth a crap.


You made this comment right here:

I never insulted you once, matter in fact I am the most civil and friendly person in this entire thread as all I’ve done is just tell the truth and defend myself from all the hate.


Let’s see here…

That doesn’t sound very "kind to me.

Here, we see you jumping to generalizations and assumptions about people you don’t know RL.

Do I have to go on?

Don’t make me laugh

Oh, I could continue… None of that is being Civil, or Friendly.


Yeah, the pinnacle of kindness and friendliness, yup.

That’s just the truth, why should I keep underperforming people around and sandbag the rest of the party? I’m not obligated to hold your hand.

Wow, way to not quote your own response which I replied where you generalized me and told me to go get a life and a job.

It’s the truth, sometimes it hurts to hear but it needs to be said.

I said that based on evidence of what you allege you have accomplished.

You said what you said based on… zero evidence.

For some reason you believe someone with a more demanding job than you can’t complete the content like I have, I was merely correcting you while you resorted to toxicity.

If that is the truth, then show the truth.

  1. Post your main or post from your main. Otherwises, it is all lies.
  2. Show me where it says Mythic Dungeons are not for Casuals.
  3. Show me where in the Social Contract, the EULA, the ToS or the forum code of conduct what you did is encourage.

Until then, you’re a lying, toxic troll.

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I already told you I value my privacy so you won’t see my main.

Mythic by default is not meant for casuals, it’s an unwritten rule that everyone knows. You’re there to beat the timer, not AFK the run because you’re too scared of a big pack pull.

And clearly I am within my rights in the ToS as the mods enabled my posts despite being false flagged by you.

Bwahahahahahaha, needed that laugh especially with a ton of your earlier posts.

I digress, grats on hitting over 1100 hits with this thread though. Just proving mods are no longer a thing or they just don’t care about shutting down bait threads anymore. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Then you will be called a liar too. And I’m not sorry for that.

Ok, so show me exactly where this is a rule.

That is Mythic Keystones, not normal Mythic dungeons. Try again troll.

First of all, the 5 post I have flagged of you, where you have broken the Code of Conduct, are still flagged. I didn’t flagged the opening post.

You are a lying toxic troll here on the forums. And that is the truth.

What a dumbass thread this is. Feel dumber for read it. Posting on my main :kissing_heart:

There you go again, making assumptions.

What evidence do you have that your job is more demanding than mine?