I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Nah it’s a Mythic, you either perform or get replaced.

What they need to do is give us NPC companions so we can go “screw groups” and just go in solo with NPCs, but they’d have to actually program intelligent AI that can handle the bosses or something, I dunno.

Or we’ll just pretend dungeons don’t exist.

It never used to be this bad, back in Wrath and MoP. I did dungeons, normal and heroic, on regular occasion once the RDF was implemented…

At least I still have FFXIV for my dungeoneering itch. It’s just kinda sad that dungeons in WoW are out of the question because of the ludicrous toxicity.

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Mythic zero? That’s like saying sports day at the elementary school is the Olympics.

The problem is, the behavior is showing up in Normals and Heroics, too. Yanno, where people are trying to learn dungeons/specs and/or gear up?

I mean, Mythic people go “GIT GUD SCRUB!” and then when people try that by doing Normals or Heroics, you get some Mythic tank that wants to pull the entire dungeon in one pull…

Personally, I’m like “eh, screw this” and I don’t even bother.

WoW’s worst enemy is its own playerbase and their heads are too far up their rear to realize it.


As it should, if you want to learn to watch videos and don’t watch other peoples times.

Mythic zero leads to future timed runs, it’s for speed running and practicing routes.

Some people only learn by doing.

And I hate it when people like you talk like your 5 minutes is oh-so-precious. You want perfect 2 minute runs? Go with guildies.

PUGs are not for perfect runs. You shouldn’t even expect or demand perfection from a PUG, let alone a Randomized PUG.


Look at the old republic mmo. Most but not all flashpoints have a story/solo mode that gives you a droid that not only heals you when critical but also tanks for you.

Theres also the companions you get for each class and the fallen empire/ eternal throne expansions. The higher your companions influence the better they do at whatever role you assigned to them. In that way flashpoints which are 5 man dungeons can be soloed on either veteran or master mode but only so long as your gear is high enough so you can survive the encounters.

I doubt blizz could correctly implement companions like that but they have a foundation from wod and legion to start with if they went that route.

Maybe I’m wrong, but the reason you’re getting screamed at is because every pack of mobs has abilities that have to be interrupted, stunned, etc.

If you pull 40 mobs and 6+ of those can use an AoE 8 second fear every 15 seconds. Guess what, you don’t have enough kicks, and if your team is feared for 8 seconds, people are dead.

What’s that? You pulled 20 mobs that all put stacking dots on the group? Guess everyone will be taking unavoidable undispellable 80k damage ticks every half second. That’s not on you thought right? That’s just a healing issue?

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. Week 1 mythic 0s are always slower. Hell, heroic dungeons in previous expacs for week 1 you’d have like 3 mob pulls and half the time you’d have to sheep one. I genuinely dispise this “HEHEHEEHE I GET TO PAD METERS WITH 40 MOBS HEEHEHEHE” game design.

I’d rather have 3 enemies with deadly abilities and mechanics than 30 trash mobs with 10 that MIGHT have a deadly ability buried under all the healthbars.


All roles require skill. You don’t play the game at all, you’re just a troll.

Some roles require more skills, as a Tank I would know. I play the most skill intensive role.

Wrong, if you’re joining 0s and not speedrunning or attempting to learn routes then you can go ahead and take yourself back to Normals where you belong.

Idc if the mobs are harder or not, adapt and move forward. No excuses.

Attempting to learn routes=slower. You have to check which groups have the dangerous mobs, which paths the patrols takes, where you can get around terrain etc. Week 2-3 is when you should be USING what you learned week one and optimize for speed/fluidity.

Edit: MOST people are going into mythics blind, so they have to get wrecked by a pull before they can pull “wall to wall”

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Just admit it Garmuck. You’re a forum troll, and you don’t play at all. That is why you don’t show anyone your main with all the excuses you have made. Because all you do is spend your time on the forums, trolling.


Nah it doesn’t mean you should go slower if you’re learning, you should be able to watch videos/streams and be equipped with basic knowledge before you get in there. As the tank, I know the route and I expect everyone in my party to know or they will get replaced.

No I don’t want people to message my GM and get me kicked from my guild because you’re mad I beat you in an argument.


So basically you want to act like a jerk on GD and you don’t want any repercussions for doing so.


Spoken like a true child.

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I’m definitely not watching a freaking video/stream for trivial content from scripted enemies. That’s genuinely comical that you need guides for literal braindead content. If you know the route, then lead. Seems easy enough. Call out what needs to be interrupted/stunned, and go. It’s that easy.

Also, stop giving content creators money for lazy content.

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So telling the truth is being a jerk now?

So you admit the content is braindead yet you want to go slow and make it even more boring for everyone involved? Like what? Make up your mind.

See, another excuse. One after another.

No, you’re just a toxic troll who rather be toxic in the community.


How am I toxic OR a troll when I am the victim here being harassed for simply being myself?


Only thing I’ve seen coming from your keyboard is a bunch of chest thumping, and looking down your Seattle Space Needle Nose at everybody else while puffing your chest out.

And a few opinions scattered here-and-there.

Along with a heaping load of self-importance.


What you did is toxic. What you’re doing now is trolling. “I got a high ilvl. I got a high IO Score. Tanking requires skill. I require group lead all the time”…

You’re a toxic troll.
