I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Just for kicks, I decided to read this entire thread. I’ve come to the ultimate conclusion that Garmuck is absolutely insufferable in every sense of the word imaginable.

Get over yourself, dude, you’re not that important.

A new user to block permanently ingame, on the forum and a thread to mute. Congratulations, not many get the trifecta.



I know I’m very late to this …

But have you considered the problem is you?

That you’ve chased off yet another Healer who will never touch random Mythics again because they’ll remember this spiteful little trogg of a man who screamed at their under-geared character, on their first time in a mythic in this brand new expansion, because they asked for you to give them a chance to mana up?

Some people are going to have done the Alpha and know all the things. Others are going to come in blind. Some will be trialing Mythic for the first time ever, and some will be returning after months, if not years, away from the game.

It is a Massively Multiplayer Online game. That means you should be willing to work with people, not screech at them because they don’t automatically have the best loadout, the best gear, and all the speed-running strats.

If this is so important to you, why not join a Guild and leave the random pool alone?

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Floozy >_>

why all these people calling me a floozy?

Cause breadisfloozy

At least thats what ive heard.

Every time we pug a big boy tank that pulls like a madman we always make sure to commend him in the end.

who told you?

I dont recall her name, just a few notable features. Horns, tiny tail. The biggest glaring issue was she kept trying to talk to me about her lord and savior the naaru.

If you want to play a game where you can do things your way only, don’t play a game that relies on other people.

It’s a community based game, be a team player.

Just enjoy it


this is only true when you make the group as with randoms this means nothing. Saying the group is yours and everyone must obey you or get out when you didn’t build the group is like a spoiled child demanding candy from random people. It’s a waste of time and the spoiled child just shows everyone how awful they are only to get mad that nobody wants anything to do with them

Said the tank. Healer is the hardest role in both m+ and raids since it cant eliminate factors such as yourself.


u know gd is down bad when people are arguing the hardest role in a dungeon.

yall know ur on the same team right

Yeah they should be but the OP has been bragging about how he kicks healers and how the team must obey him and if he’s in a party it’s his party thus all must play by his rules in it and blah blah blah. He’s also been attacking me off and on by calling me a crappy player when I never touch mythics. So yeah… I’m waiting for him to do something dumb and lash out at a council member like he’s bound to do or get a time out as you know he’s getting reported for his rude remarks.

Lmao a bot can play a healer, tank is def way harder.

I’m starting to think this garmuck guy is a troll.

Call me whatever you want but tank has control of party. We decide the route, pulls and speed of the Mythic.

I honestly couldn’t tell you how we spend as a whole anymore. PA is such a divided state in terms of how certain regions allocate funds. Philly is one of the most liberal areas here in terms of spending, but go 2 hours west and it’s Amish country (figuratively and literally) :laughing:

He’s served multiple suspensions for a reason