I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons


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would you que with me?

aww you drink an play?!
i should of asked to join!


YES! Of course!


feel free to look me up then, cause this is my main


Okay how about the fact most of the recipes you make in Shadowlands cooking looks and sounds horrible? I mean some I doubt a drunk out of their mind dwarf would eat

The sereph wings sound kinda tasty though. I like to think that my dk murdered a few of his fellow kyrian to use thier wings in a dish.

Oh here you are, I thought you got a forum holiday it seems you just came here lol.
Are you spamming a post or two a day here too?

probably one of the only alright dishes, actually had a few of those when I ended up finishing the korthia transmog set for kyrian last because the kyrian just never offered me parts as much as everyone else. Had a bit of a celebration feast of some kyrian wings lol. God Death’s advance should of been account wide as it’s annoying even today.

I finished my kyrian mog from korthia, currently working on the rest. The venthyr one with my hunter is a bit more difficult since theres two mogs for venthyr and the quest is so random with it.

People need an “adjustment” period in mythics first week, and normal dungeons aren’t serious.

yeah them giving Venthyr two sets in each color to farm was annoying. Now I gotta find what 20k anima for my venthyr shaman to buy the missing sets then get them exalted with death’s advance and 12k stygia to buy the green ones… it’s nuts. Although the venthyr do got nice suits so maybe it’s worth it? I also gotta get my druid to exalted to buy the green night fae set for my hunter and 10k anima to buy the blue set for my arcane mage. I’m by no means done with them yet. I’ve also gotta get my necrolord lock to 80 renown to even use necrolord transmog on alts. Lot of transmog work ahead of me sadly

I have tons of work myself but i have plenty of extra time before blizz forces the new dlc onto my account lol.

Yeah I’ve got some alts that need leveling, doesn’t help my necrolord is my blacksmith though. Wanting to make some cool knives for my rogue here if I’m able but also needing to bash my head against the wall known as raising necrolord renown and getting exalted with Death’s advance for a necromancer robe. Kinda glad I’ve got two blacksmiths, three if you count the light forged draenei I got on alliance that mainly exists as I liked the thiccer model they seem to have. Light forged draenei girls tell awful jokes but I hope this doesn’t come off wrong…they’re nice to look at

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your so great that your posting on an alt instead of your main.

yep, must not be brave enough to post such garbage on his main character as he fears getting laughed at or black listed from groups and guilds for being so toxic. Sad really

not when the rest of the group decides to vote kick you you don’t. lols.

Tanks are the most easy to replace, and they’re one person in a group of a 5. At the end of the day the tank’s word means nothing so if you upset the healer by pulling BS they’re going to start the vote to boot you for being toxic. I’ve seen this countless times of late, the tank runs their mouth with hateful crud and they’re removed and replaced seconds later. Maybe if you treated your healers respectfully instead of kicking them for little things you’d have less to complain about.

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i need a hug i just got over my day vacation on the forums. love the draenei.

Replaced healer, found a better one instantly and finished multiple Mythics. Get good and stop being bad, maybe you won’t be replaced.

what did you do? and no draenei are evil.