I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Why should a random stranger’s approval matter to me, if anything kids should be learning to be more confident and thinking for themselves instead of you telling them that they need to obsess over stranger’s validation.

Anyone can make any sort of claim without any prove. But until you post the proof, it is all lies. So, don’t bother replying to this until you fully prove that you have:

  1. High RaiderIO Score
  2. 370+ Item Level

Which means, post from your main. Until then, don’t bother replying.

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You tell me.

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Sorry but again my privacy is more important than your approval. Maybe when I feel like i’m not being bullied, i’ll show you my main.

Find a team of like minded people and speed run with them. Problem solved.

Don’t act you’re being bullied when you are the bully.

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You claim to have posted this thread to “educate” people on this particular situation, but no one is believing you. If you want to have some semblance of legitimacy, you HAVE to put your money where your mouth is and show us that you are some titan of a player and show your “epic” tank and it’s numbers otherwise you really do sound like a whinny troll.


You come in here bullying people for NOT doing dungeons at your specific speed, and expect to walk away unscathed?


I never bullied anyone, I am the victim here for simply expressing the truth.

It’s a lot of classic stuff he posts in. Dudes a classic Andy with a ton of “troll” posts.


God this is the biggest ego I’ve seen in my entire life.


Well then, you’re a jerk. It’s a shame people don’t completely boycott your holier-than-thou pathetically narcissistic attitude.

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It’s because i’m great at the game, people line up to queue with me.

Wow thats laughable. Bro im prot war since day one back when i started in 2006. I can run and gun or casual run. We dont have the hardest job. Nothing in this game is hard if the team is on the same page especially if you are good at your class. You just make yourself sound like the toxic waste of space that turns people off this game.


Dungeons/raids/pvp aren’t end game for everyone who plays this game.

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I’d rather step on very sharp legos than queue with you

Heh, Irony is funny. Anyways, im gonna go enjoy the game my way, you have fun bossing your group around. While it lasts.

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On the contrary many people run with me because I am a skilled player.

posts like these are why i drink when i play.


Over a thousand comments in this troll thread. Well at least it ain’t politics but at this point I’d actually welcome that if for nothing else then to derail this cesspool of egotistical stupidity.