I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

You are a child pretending to be an adult.
you have nothing to teach, nothing to give, only words of empty words an you provide an Excellent example of what not to be.


To assert my superiority, people should know I’m speaking from a place of experience and knowledge even if I decide not to forgo my privacy.

Big words coming from someone who lost every argument to me.

Oh so you have nothing.
Should’a just said that. c:

Anyway zzzzzzzzz
come back when you stop being scared and are willing to show off your lackluster main.

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loud mouths dont count as victory.


He has nothing to prove, because all he does is spread lies about himself. High IO Score, if someone had a high IO Score, they wouldn’t be hiding it.

Don’t talk about truth when you don’t know the meaning of truth.

Omg seriously? What a freaking DB!!

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Finally after thousands of posts you got some people to agree with you.

But I dont agree with you. Like here is one reason why.

Yet another post with your bragging about how great you are with once again. zero proof.

Must suck to have the curse of being a legend in your own mind, Garmuck.

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Tanks are literally pulling 2-3 mobs in dungeon finder. I know, I know that’s the chance you take in randoms, but what could they possibly be thinking? Especially in some dungeons with massive curses.

There is no such thing as a first-time mythic. No first-time mythic0, no first-time mythic+.

You’re either born knowing how to speedrun mythics, or you’re born a loser.


They’re not going to, if we’re going to preach “truth” here. And they won’t stop just because you kick them.

Since you actually acted human for about ten minutes, I’m just gonna dip from this topic. Circular conversation is circular.

I’ve never lied once in this thread.

I had a disc priest throw a fit in the hyena dungeon because i was “pulling too much” due to me getting freaking feared for 6 seconds because he doesn’t want to use interrupt or even the dps to interrupt either …

Every pull he’d try to tell me how to tank… I’ve been tanking for 15 years, if i need help i ask.

Plus he didnt realize since im a prot war that i dont need all that healing, the dps and himself kept dying and were low because he was only pumping me with heals on cd…

I can almost solo the dungeon if it wasn’t for the fears… its on normal btw as i am still leveling… I’d hate to meet that guy in M0. He was also already 300+ ilvl too which makes this so much worse lol.

A 280 ilvl prot war out healing a 300+ disc priest xD

It’s classic Healer entitlement, people always think Tank players are the worst but we’re mostly all playing this role as we have had years of experience and know how to complete all the content with ease.

Hopefully your Mythic runs go better, kick anyone who tries to tell you to go slower.


Except you have. You know how people know your lying? Because you seem to forget, in almost every dungeon, there is a lot of trash, and a lot of that trash does a lot of AOE Damage. Now, unless you’re geared enough to do Normal Raids, as per a guest, you’re not going to be able to speed run those dungeons and pull everything without wiping.

So, please, troll harder.

I have over 370 iLevel, the content is incredibly easy even at 340. Just say you want mentoring and you don’t know how Mythics work, I’ll only charge you half fees for coaching.

Thankfully I don’t desire to do mythics. However, as time goes on…all the gogogos will be doing+15s

That’s when I do my +0

:ocean: :mountain::ocean: :mountain:

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You don’t know how to play the game with how much time you spend on the forums trolling. So, please, troll harder.

I’m not a troll lol, all my posts are well received and incredibly valid.

No, that is wishful thinking.

“Claims to have a High IO”
“Claims to also have a high item level”
“But won’t post prove because of more nonsense”

And this is why kids, we tell you to stay in school.