I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Oh ok so you’re full’a manure.

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To be fair I assume he means his peak. Mine is 2500, not exactly “high” by most standards.

Whatever you wanna think, idc :person_shrugging:

Well if you were good, you wouldn’t need to hide. c:

Privacy comes before appealing to randoms on the forums.

Yeah, getting into the 2000’s is pretty easy to get too, so it won’t be exactly that high to be high.

You posted a topic that is heavily dependent on your own skills.
If you wanted privacy, you wouldn’t have done that.

Now hop to it Timothy, I wanna see how much of a disappointment ya are.


Not really lol, I posted this to let casuals know to stay out of Mythics if they don’t want to perform well and learn.

Then leave.
and all the toxic people will be gone from this thread.


You’re a casual until proven otherwise.

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Casual until proven pro.
The new law and order!

No thanks, i’m having fun educating the uneducated about proper Mythic etiquette.

sir, you can’t teach a class that surpasses you.

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You do not know the meaning of “educating the uneducated” with the complete nonsense you have sprouted

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I thought you ignored me.

Can’t stay away from the truth, huh?

I have a higher IO score than everyone here.

And yet you refuse to post proof.
Y a w n

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I already told you why, not my fault you can’t accept it.


You don’t know the meaning of truth, even if you had a dictionary right in front of you.

Every single thing I’ve ever posted on this forum is the truth, I never lie.

So if you want to maintain privacy, why do you keep bringing it up?

You should just be quiet if you’re unable to prove anything.

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