I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

That’s good at least. Flint needs some good clean water real bad.

Is the water still bad out there? I haven’t been keeping up with it.

Hey look this trash ops thread is nearing a thousand.

I’m from Philly, but my wife and I currently have our rental property and a residence closer to Harrisburg. We get the worst of both worlds here lol.

We could use it, as the water here is disgusting beyond belief. I don’t allow my kids to drink it

I’m kind of an a hole irl :laughing: I also surround myself with too many people like me, so it just never ends. I tame myself for this place

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They’re below the state required levels of lead in water but it’s still pretty bad.

Sup neighbor? I’m from Cleveland. Most of our water comes from Lake Erie… which the river that caught on fire leads into.

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Well at least you get a country wide tour of the type of people that this place offers, it’s also interesting to see that these people are the ones voting for presidents and people in office :rofl:

It wouldn’t take much for me to pitch an expansion over to the East, who knows maybe it’s good money out there if we can get funding to put out some water plants.

That’s rough. Wonder what’s causing the issues, last I heard they got a ton of Federal funding.

My friends finally hit 70–they weren’t able to play much this week due to a few factors–and we jumped into mythic 0s immediately. I was only in a mix of normal/heroic gear (as the tank) and the rest of them were fresh 70s in questing greens.

We were still pulling big and not really having much issue. There’s no need to go slow in mythic 0s unless people are simply not comfortable pulling big or chaining.

A tank’s job is to set the pace of the dungeon, among other things. I typically find what the group is comfortable with within a few pulls and then aim for slightly outside of the group’s comfort zone so that it doesn’t stress them out while also helping them to improve a bit.

Well, that’s how I do it when I pug anyway. My friends and I just went wild as soon as they hit 70. lol

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Yes, it’s a Mythic only and NOT a Mythic Plus. You know the one with the TIMER in it? You clearly are a troll and I will add you to ignore after this post to follow one golden rule.

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Completely agreed.

Mythic 0 is the precursor to future timed runs, if you’re not there to pull big and learn routes then you can take your casual self back to open world and kill boars all day. Ain’t no one got time to hold your hands.

I wish there was a downvote button here. Would press it 10 times!

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Silencing the truth doesn’t stop it from being true.

What is it, I’m curious.

We’ve been there! Before COVID, my wife and I would take the kids on road trips a couple times a year. We drove through Cleveland at some point since I’d never been before

Interesting is a very nice word for it :laughing: Almost optimistic in nature

We could use it tbh. Pennsylvania is a fairly wealthy state overall, so I could imagine that you’d get some decent revenue. Although, I know absolutely nothing about that business :laughing:

He doesn’t play the game. He trolls both GD and the Classic forums.

High 2,000s.

Can’t say exact cause you can find me on leaderboard.

It all depends on federal funding cause that’s what we rely on, Liberals seem to be well… Liberal with funding so it’s easy for us to maintain businesses and expand a ton out here but Conservative states are a lot tougher to secure funding in unless your business rubs shoulders with their donors.

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lol sure man

Post on your main.

He just doesn’t want to own up to it, he does not play, nor does he have a high IO Score, since they reset at the end of every season

Nope, my privacy is important and I don’t want toxic people in this thread bullying me in game.