I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

I like her transmog! She can be my leader.

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I do well for myself already, I have a great job and a Tesla along with a loving family. I don’t need to stream for money, I play WoW to exercise my mind and come up with optimal strategies to complete high end content.


Those two brain cells are hurting huh?

You’re a walking talking meme and that’s about it.

too many lies…too many lies…


This is quite the thread.


This has been established.


Now you’re just coping and seething, maybe if you spent less time being toxic on the internet you wouldn’t be so jealous.

I can guarantee, that by how you act here, and on the Classic forums, that you are lonely, crave attention, and prob need some help.

Me too! They’re okay until it gets cold, so I’m shelving mine for a little while. These Pennsylvania winters do a number on the batteries.

What do you do for a living?

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Is that so…?

I’m in California, so it’s always the right weather to drive it around. I’m thinking of getting a 2nd one for my kiddo, she’s turning 16 so it’d be a nice surprise.

I manage a large water filtration facility in San Diego.

I see you’re still playing buzzword bingo there bud.

I would not be jealous of some faceless stranger on the internet, thats been clear from the start. But hey, clearly I must be crazy!

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There it is.

More like atrophied.


Kinda seems like you are though, you could just leave it alone but you think everything is a lie because you can’t imagine someone being both successful in-game AND irl.

You can use me as your role model, I could even mentor you.

You’re in Cali? My wife is from there! I’ve had the hardest time making my way out there because southern Cali is typically filled with self righteous pricks :laughing:

I hope they are cleaner than over here in the eastern part of America! Here, that would be quite the crappy job… literally. But Cali tends to run cleaner than us rednecks

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found the issue

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No thanks, im pretty happy with my life. But good on you for assuming!

Ah you get used to it. Red states are worse, they’re usually dumb self righteous pricks. At least the ones here can act civilized.

Yep, we maintain a 5 step process. A lot of money goes into caring for this water, the company running it might make it’s way over to the East so you guys might get some good water soon.

Thanks for making me spit the drink over my monitor with that one line. Now I can’t stop laughing when I need to wipe and clean my monitor

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Yeah if i join a dungeon and tank isnt pulling the whole place to the boss i just leave, ain’t nobody got time fo dat

Amen. Idk how people can stand 30 minute long mythics.