I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

you know there’s just as many people sick of speed running dungeons get used to it and quit crying like a little kid cause you need a dopamine buzz from running fast. or you could just not do group content or quit playing online games that require you to do content. just a crybaby who won’t find his own group to do stuff or actually making stuff up in his head just to come and try and tick people off on the forums such a sad life you have.


Right. IOW, you’re just another worthless troll.



Kissmytotems coming in with the ambushing stormstrike!

And its a CRIT!!

They are out for blood! Woah! :astonished:

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This whole thing with people on opposite sides of whether to speed run or not, has really just turned into something to troll about and get people riled up.
People need to stop taking the bait.

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Think at this point its because the trolling was so poor quality some of us just decided to beat with a stick. Made my boring work day that much better. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep. Pretty much why i keep posting. I got three hours to go, too.

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I don’t need to feel superior, I am superior.

Whatever you say dude :rofl: :rofl:

ooohkayy then

INB4 404

Ok, I’m just going to post this here before putting you on ignore, and muting the thread:

  1. You do not own the dungeons. When I look for groups, I don’t see anything saying, this dungeon belongs to Garmuck. Doesn’t matter the difficulty of the content, everyone has every right to do it, regardless whether you like it or not.
  2. You have no right to be disrespectful to other members of the WoW community. You’re part of the problem why finding tanks or healers is pretty hard when people such as yourself chose to be disrespectful towards others. As it says on the Social Contrack:
    • Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.
    • Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.
  1. Stop pretending your a hardcore player. This whole “Mythic dungeons is for speedy players”, you do not know how things work, and on top of that, to also say “Mythic1”, there is no +1 Keystone, since the minimum is +2. And to also hide on an alt, call people trash players, and then to act like you’re the victim, I know several hardcore players, and none of them, even act like this.

And enjoy the ignore, and the mute. And I hope I never see you in my dungeons, because the first thing I’ll be doing is kicking you out. Whether your a tank or not. There is no room for your toxicity anywhere in World of Warcraft.


Y’all, gonna break it to you: the OP is a liar. They don’t have a “main” & they aren’t speed-tanking anything at all.

Prove me wrong, OP. Post on your main.


Sorry I don’t speak Blocked.

There’s nothing to link. You don’t do M+. You think M1 is a key.

Nah my privacy is more important especially when this thread is as toxic as it is, don’t need weirdos chasing me around in game because I told the truth.

Probably check-PvP?

Yeah go ahead and share my check-PvP, I want to see what poor sucker you found thinking it’s me.

OK, fine. You’re a liar & a troll.

& seriously, your “privacy” couldn’t have been so important, since you chose to post this dishonest troll thread.


Why would I share it? I don’t care. I’m just wondering what website people tend to use.

Literally name-calling.