I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

This man knows no fear…


“Fleafly responding on alt”

If I do any group content, it will be with my guild. I’m not really interested in random pugs like I used to be. But really thanx for the encouragement :slight_smile:

Out of maybe 20 or so dungeon runs so far i have only come across one tank that doesn’t chain pull the entire place.

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Coming right up!

Cooks up some chili fries, platters full of various meats, cheeses, breads, grilled and spiced veggies and pours more mugs of ale

Enjoy! food is the best!


irl, work from home shift is nearly done, gonna cook up some diner: Hamburger steak with gravy and fried onions, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, with side of dill pickles and some marbled cheddar cheese cubes.

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Can I have some chilli fries good sir?
Hungry dracthyr
also craving sloppy joes


I make friendly conversation in randoms I’m so lucky :dracthyr_love_animated:

I was gonna cook up some chili fries tho…

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Yes you may good dracthyr


grins and gives Hawkens an apron

Well get in here and get cooking! points toward the kitchen behind the bar




You’re not calling me out, you’re just sharing my profile that isn’t even me. So go ahead, expose how clueless you are.

I nominate dragons the best hunters of the year, we can kill stuff and cook it in the same attack.
:bacon: :pig2: :fire: :dragon_face:


:fried_egg: :fried_egg: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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That’s something I always primarily encourage is running group content with a guild or a like minded group of individuals. I’m always thankful for my people because they make life easier.

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That’s why I asked you to post on your main, so I can make sure I avoid grouping with you. I can’t avoid your groups if I don’t know who you are. & trust me, nobody is going to “stalk” you, you’re neither important nor interesting enough. Just tell us who you really are so we can avoid you.

Or, refuse to tell us who you are, & thus prove you’re trollin’.


My only problem with this mentality is the people that pull everything but put forth no effort to CC or silence any of the thousands of AoEs going off.

Copy cats who want to think they’re being “good” at the game by imitating what they see without actually understanding whats going on.


I welcome the friendly competition! chuckles

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I’m skeptical, but I do know that there are sites out there capable of doing this. So I’ll reserve judgment.

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There are a lot of crazies on the forum so I don’t want to expose my main.

Like you?


If you know the forums are full of crazies, why did you post here in the first place?

Was it ego?
A need to feel superior, perhaps?