I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

No, I’m just more educated than you are, and more friendly and respectful to everyone in my group, regardless of the content being done.


No ? of course lol. Im not going to run a mythic with you, post your name and get people to dog pile on you. Thats how you get the insta ban from blizz. Add me on battle tag DHR#1128 i run with a good group of mythic guys and i would like to see you play in a good setting like that.

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The game has catered to people who are pillaging the game for gold and/or obsessed with speccing out every class for too long and I get the sense this expac they are finally scaling that back.

This game has vibrant dungeons, slow RP and quest text for a reason. You’re meant to experience it, not try to blow everything away as fast as possible.


MANY people agree with me.

All you do is buff and heal, a bot can play your role. Tanks set the pace and route, humble yourself.

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Okay, GlaDOS.

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Tell me you don’t play M+ without telling me you don’t play M+



I am still waiting to see them, same as the many groups who are happy to have you “lead” them.



Oh im sorry, we need to watch videos instead of actually playing the content in real time?

My bad, so sorry, i did not understand :frowning:



Yes, go support your local content creator who needs your views. They lay out guides which you ignore.

Real talk, the best guides tend not to be on YouTube.

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I wish we could go back to the days when we had server communities again. Because then everyone would be refusing the OP from joining their groups with his behaviour.

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OP is trolling on an alt.


I wouldn’t worry about that, he doesn’t play M+ anyway, and isn’t being accepted to groups. He really is just out here trying to rustle feathers.

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It’s true, but egging him on is becoming quite amusing.


On the contrary, many people line up to do runs with me as I am a very desired tank player. I know my role, unlike you and the other whining in this thread.

Garmuck, what rock are you living? “Don’t join mythics to practice” is BFA leet talk, now it’s “bring your own friends to learn”. Have you ran normals lately or read forums? You’re so toxic that OSHA has made warnings about you.

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On a lighter subject, has anyone had the pleasure of seeing this dude?

It’s been lovely seeing his updates on learning the newer parts of the games.

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Wait i have not been rude to you. Add me and lets run DHR#1128. I can tank, heal or dps.

Which consists of 5 buttons at best.

Talk to us when you’re managing at least two hotbars.

this is a huge flex btw am i am here for it