I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Are you denying that thousands of hours of gameplay guides/videos are available to watch and learn from before entering Mythics?

Oh wow two hotbars, let me ticket Blizzard so they know how hard Healers have it. Give me a break :roll_eyes:


I’d probably kick this guy in the video first if he happens to be in my group.

I am still waiting to see these people. But I dont think I ever will…

Because they don’t exist.

YOu dont play M+.

Wasnt that hard :woozy_face:

That’s not part of your rotation! To the trash bin with you!

Sure you would, buddy.

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It is actually rare to find any YouTubers that provide some good info that is from here in the land down under.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

thank you, I needed that!

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I hope he does add me. I want to see this super player super dunk on a dung.


He literally clicks his abilities… You’d kick him too…

Im not even full level yet (I am higher than it says the forums just dont wanna update me) and this is already the attitude? Come on man, its a game not a job.

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Make sure you post the run on YouTube.

You know. As a guide.

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Welcome back, Thelion. Would you like to discuss how to play your class again, from someone who is higher .io than you?

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It’s rude to be bad at WoW, go watch the video about it. It’s not a hard game to do well in, just don’t sandbag your team.

I wouldn’t kick someone out for “clicking” on their abilities. I would kick you out of my runs though for being a forum troll.


Are you trolling

Ill report back if he does add me. If he is good, great ! i would be more than happy to post that here. Same if he is bad.

Yes. /10char

Ofc you wouldn’t, you probably click abilities too.