I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

This is exactly why players have a hate for M+!

M0 IS the learning step! If you do not want to deal with players learning M+, do not run M0 period, even if it is the only M+ level you are able to play atm!

Cant wait to hear the QQ about healer shortages!

Tanks like you I want more of

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Go watch YouTube or Twitch, you have ZERO excuse to not know the content before entering Mythics.

stared a group vote to remove a player, clearly in charge lol

No group vote needed, i’m the group leader.

Def, without a doubt, what OP is irl

Nah you’re just the hall monitor. Temporary power for temporary people


With pleasure

Ugh, should say every post you have replied to people calling out your toxicity is a lie


Bad troll is bad.

You have authority over no one and nothing! :rofl:


Man, realistically most people don’t care right now. A lot of people are just learning by throwing themselves into the fire, so to speak. :person_shrugging:


M1? Wat

Well, you clearly don’t ever push higher content. Like ever. At all.


Meanwhile i run a class that has made multiple tanks ragequit because they got uppity and i pulled half the dungeon and dropped feign death

Who needs a votekick lmao

Actually permanent power considering I kept the group lead the entire time.

Lol you can quote everything I ever posted but still can’t find a single lie.

And I will replace them if they don’t have prior knowledge.

You’d have to play the game first.

Log on and add me to a group, lets see you run ? I can tank or you can.

No. After how rude and belittling/toxic you’ve all been to me you have all lost the right to see my main. I was going to show it, but you people will just find me in game and harass me.

I think both of those quotes shows he doesn’t even go past “Normals”.

Everything you have said is a lie. About how Mythic dungeons work, about what tanks are about, how you think Mythic dungeons and Mythic keystones are the same thing, or how being called toxic is “woke”.

Coming from the most toxic person in this thread, people are just calling out your behaviour. Shame you got to hide yourself behind a level 10 alt.


All of that is actually the truth. You’re just incapable of accepting reality.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, in hindsight at least OP is providing a lot of laughter. At least that is healthy right?

You yourself out here OP, made a right jerk of yourself in a spectacle for us all, you reap what you sow.


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With that attitude, you definitely are an “S” tier as the word I’d be looking for that describes your attitude definitely starts with the letter “S”.

From the perspective of playing the healer role as primary and filling in for tanking when needed, your healer definitely sets the pace. Not the tank. You just keep the enemy entertained while DPS knocks them down. The healer has to keep the whole party alive, which becomes significantly more challenging when interrupts get missed, reactions aren’t fast enough to get out of bad stuff, or DPS starts taking excessive damage in relation to the tank.

Basically, I have a lot more buttons to push as a healer and a lot more situational awareness I have to bring to the table than you do as a tank that really only has a few buttons and some minor positioning to worry about.

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