I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

The spec being S doenst make the player S.

I heard her say something about that this past weekend :laughing:

This is the song that never ennnnnnnnnnnnnds


Good tanks are important. But you aren’t one and how you think alone tells everyone so.

Your only job is to allow the real talented roles to shine. That’s it. Your job is to put healers and dps in the best position to do their jobs at max. Your words say you hinder them and combat them.

Turd tank


Some people started singing it not knowing what it was !

Yeah, just starting to gear up. Here is my main.


Unlike you, atleast I’m not afraid to post my main over some baseless claim.

But good luck finding IO with my main too, because it was recently transfered from another server and across faction too.

As I said, you’re a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the community.


Tanks control the speed/direction/route of the party as well as who stays and who goes. A thousand DPS/Healers is equivalent to a single good tank, ya’ll need us more than we need you.

Ooh, careful. He might say your ears are too pointy.


Pfft, let him. Not my fault he doesn’t have any friends in the first place because of his behaviour.


Looks like you have an excuse planned for everything to avoid being caught out in your lies.


You are nothing without them. They can replace you with meh geared dps

You are nothing without them. You exist only by their grace. They set the pace


Healers have the easiest role in dungeons by far. Very replaceable, tanks cannot be replaced as easily.

Oh yeah?

Keep going :smiley: You’re doing great!


Lies huh? Interesting, last time I checked, you haven’t even posted one thing that was a fact.

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Again you fail to see the GROUP ASPECT. Being a tank doesnt make you the leader, being a tank doesnt place you in charge.


Name one lie I posted in this thread.

I am the group leader AND the tank, I have authority.

Neither does being a healer, or a DPS. Unfortunately even though this thread is just here to trigger people, he isn’t the only one spewing complete nonsense here.

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This trash thread is still ongoing. Well time to derail it.


But it’s getting good!

Calm down, Cartman


If you have to keep saying you are in charge, you arent in charge.

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I kicked the trash healer and replaced him, p sure it means i’m in charge.