I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Mythic Dungeons come with no time limit, a weekly lockout, and each boss has a chance to drop loot, which makes it also possible to get 2 or more pieces of loot in the same dungeon.

Mythic Keystones come with increase damage and health pool, affixes, a time limit, and loot only at the end of the dungeon, also with no lockouts providing someone in the group has a keystone.

“I kicked out a healer because I rather be toxic in my groups and not be respectful to other players” is not being the victim.

Calling you toxic for your behaviour is not calling you names. Calling you a troll for your behaviour is not calling you names.


you missed the point, it’s not because of how you want to play the game. It’s because of how you’ve been strutting around like a peacock trying to belittle people because you play different. Expecting everyone you meet to adhere to your playstyle is pretty narcissistic.

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Be willing to bet a paycheck this guy makes a thread about it.

You must not have been running mythics long, most groups are slow and or unable to clear fast. Its a low key, you take to long or go over, its fine, you get an easy rating fix run later on.

You really shot yourself in the foot with this post OP.


Aww cute tank thinks they’re important! Threat is brain dead you are the easiest role in the game

Leave the pace to the healers and dps and you just be the brainless punching bag you are


Oh, i can’t do that, I’d have to pay my company back because my bank account would be in the negative.

Yea, I’ll try to pull myself away from Pokemon which is the better Nov release. Better community too, if you can believe it :joy:

I can’t do it either. We poor round here! lmfao


lol I believe it! My daughter is loving Violet so far. I haven’t played in so long :laughing: Every time I see her on the Switch I get tempted for old time’s sake

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What comes after M0? M1, M2, M3 all with timers.

It’s common sense to run M0 with your own timer in order to prepare for future timed runs, that’s the purpose of it otherwise there would be no difference between that and Heroics/Normals.

If you’re underperforming, you will be removed. That’s not toxic, that’s realistic.

My mentality is what leads to success in timed runs, I am merely just being myself and allowing people to interface with the truth.

Those aren’t my groups, if you mess up even once i’m already looking for a replacement without letting you know and by the 2nd mess up you’re out and your replacement is waiting at the door.

Tank is the only important role in the party. One day you’ll understand when you play one.

I think it’s time to make this a Pokemon thread.

Been enjoying the game so far. Endgame raids are fun. Btw. Make sure you get your dragon Charizard.


Nothing. Because you can only obtain a keystone at the end of a mythic dungeon, and you can only use that keystone within the dungeon.

And you don’t play at all, because the lowest of the key is not a 1. There is no such thing as a 1.

Yes, underperforming. That comes down to either being AFK, or doing very little within the group while the group carries you. Not being toxic by removing a healer who has to keep 4 other people including themselves alive and needing mana to do so.

You are coming off as a wanna-be try hard super pull tank. The simple fact that you have to defend yourself from EVERYONE replying should be a huge hint.


I am starting to see why OP doesn’t have a set group to run with.

And if he does it won’t be for long.

“I am not crazy or toxic, all of you are, you’re all woke!” The sign of a sane mind right there.


You nailed it ! WOuldnt you love to work a key with this guy ? lol

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Now it makes sense why you hide your RaiderIO, you don’t even run Mythics.

If you don’t follow my explicit orders as tank, you might as well be considered AFK.

I’d rather grind for Azerite with Magni again and we all know how much of a crapshoot that is!

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Good ol Uncle Magni…

There are MANY groups who would love to have an S tier tank like me.

Yeah? Where they at?