I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Right but people who would like that genuinely wouldn’t expect M0 people to be able to handle it.

Like the GOOD gogogo tanks make sure the entire group is able to handle it and aren’t in low level content getting mad at players learning.

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I’m thinking you’ve taken a long break from the game considering your op and this comment? Maybe just calm down and see how things work. Adjust for your group’s success.

Nah just need a single competent one.

I did, I kicked the underperforming players.

Dear god :laughing:

Yes, you’re not the toxic one at all, and you are 100% the victim.


How is anything I said there toxic? I was called all sorts of names throughout the thread for just expressing my honest feelings.

Anyone got some napkins so I can wipe the tears from laughing so hard?


Still love this little diddy


I like how calling someone out for their blatant narcissism is considered “woke” now.

Do words have meaning anymore or is OP playing buzzword bingo and cheating by adding words he doesn’t like on it?


Him telling us not to do these things makes me want to sign up for these things out of spite, lol.


Omg I missed this one. That’s great.

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Who in their right minds would even form a set group with this guy? There is no room next to his massive ego :rofl:

I’ve seen rattlesnakes with more team player ability than this.


[quote=“Raizul-blackwater-raiders, post:554, topic:1431184”]

That old story, eh :six_pointed_star:
I feel like there’s going to be some rude awakenings when m+ opens up. Is that tomorrow?

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Nah I believe that’s next week :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably why his guild kicked him according to one of his other threads.


Next tues.

Garmuck I agree; as a prot warrior it’s so infuriating. “Tank chill” “tank go faster” make up your mind. I just zoom and if you’re not fast enough, die.

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these forums gonna be good.

Be careful, apparently you’re a “narcissist” if you want to play the game differently than the people on this thread.

Inb4 inevitable “mythics suck” follow-up thread.


I’ll make sure I have some time to log in and see where things end up :laughing:

Although, this guy refuses to post on his main. So we won’t know if it’s him QQing if he indeed has a toon for M+

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