I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

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Nah. Anyone who trolls THIS hard has a very tiny ego and no self esteem.

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MYTHIC KEYSTONES! They have timers. Not mythic dungeons.

How about you post on your main, here on the forums, so everyone here can put you on ignore and not have a toxic person like you in their group?

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Very true.
He’s even on a second account, I done tried to find his main hah.
Little peeter dwarf.


Troll, Toxic, Narcissist, lotta “woke” insults from a group of people that can’t handle reality.

M0 is a precursor to Mythic Keystones, you should do your best to perform in all Mythics.

Oop there it is. saw it coming.


I will pop you a token, if you prove you’ve gotten over a 15 done.

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My privacy is worth more than a token, seeing how toxic you people are on the forums I would never allow you to stalk me in-game and harass me.

I wouldn’t want to stalk or harass you LMAO. Might get some ITDs
(internet transmitted disease for your little pea brain).

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The deflect of the year.


You might not but the forums is a public space and it’s clear telling the truth here leads to very angry people, I don’t want randoms chasing me around in-game.

Oh right, and Apples and Oranges are the same thing.

Mythic Dungeons and Mythic Keystones are 2 completely different systems. So, once again, keep on trolling.

And once again, why don’t you post on your main so everyone can put a toxic troll such as yourself on ignore and avoid you joining their groups?


-Spends the entire thread boasting a “git good or git out” mentality
-Plays victim
-Calls everyone else toxic

Checks out


Because he knows he’ll never get over a 5 =)

I doubt anyone would want to put in the effort for that beyond a simple ignore.


wait, you’re going through LFG and not a queue? Just vet your group, wth.

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If I ever queued with such impatient people I’d legit just pull the whole dungeon.
GoTtA gO fAsT!!!1


We’d like that tbh.

How exactly are they different?

I’d rather people did that because as a tank player I have the skill level to handle it.

I AM the victim, i’ve done nothing but be civil this entire time. Look at how many people called me names while all I did was tell the truth.

I’d rather people did that because as a tank player I have the skill level to handle it.

You just need a team of 4 healers is all lol