I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

:rofl: Thinking tanking is hard in retail

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Ego. That’s all it is. In the entirety of 400+ posts, only three have agreed with him and each time he replied to them with intense bouts of self-gratification.


Lol. It’s a bad topic, but you have a good sense of humor, at least.

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Didn’t read the whole thread, but the trash often has some nasty mechanics or generally do a lot of dmg to the group. We did all M0 on the weekend with a guild group and everytime too much was pulled, someone died because I couldn’t pump the group fast enough. I had full mana, but the cast time was too low and the spells didn’t heal crap, so it was really stressful.
It also really depends on the healer class in the group and his equipment whether there can be pulled more or not.

In the end I find it extremely childish to run to the forums and complain, because it was a bit too much for the healer and your small ego didn’t want to slow down. There’s literally no reason to call the healer out and kick him and in my opinion you are throwing a fit right now. This OP right here is a prime example of toxic and egocentrical PvE culture in modern WoW.


Even more “woke” name calling, that’s cute. We replaced the bad healer, ran multiple mythics after and had a good time without bad players sandbagging our group.

Next time learn the game before entering mythics.

What does this have to do with being “woke”? I hope you’re feeling cool for throwing around some useless buzzwords because you have no arguments, lol.


The truth is, he’s just trolling.


What argument do I need? I already won.

This is what narcissistic personality disorder looks like. Gives you a bit of a window into the way sociopaths think.

  • They are right, no matter what. Super convinced of their correctness.

  • You exist purely to serve their purposes.

  • Loves to gaslight others.

  • Empathy? What is that?

It’s pretty ugly.


I check all those boxes and see nothing wrong with it, maybe you’re the narcissist for trying to change others. Focus on yourself buddy.

Just gonna lob this in here. If the tank is pulling multiple packs, doing it quickly, and not dying then it’s just being efficient.

If you’re underpulling then you are trolling your group and being disrespectful of their time.

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Exactly. You wouldn’t.

Where, exactly, am I trying to change others??


Agreed, but many here can’t come to terms with that.

Here’s what annoys me about this post. You go with presumed knowledge. Just because you as a tank or healer have seen the dungeons 500 times already doesn’t mean it isn’t the first run-through for some. People can and will be lost in dungeons, that’s part of the experience. It isn’t a dps’s fault you have instant queues and see everything 10 times over what they can.

Edit: lets not forget it is week one.


You have plenty of videos and guides you can look at despite it being Week 1 and Heroics is supposed to prepare you for Mythics, you don’t join Mythics and complain about now knowing what to do as this is not the space for that.

Do your research and don’t waste people’s time.

I did all my mythic 0s too.

I still wish people would slow down a bit in normals and heroics like- just because YOU know what you’re doing doesn’t mean everyone does. The expansions’ been out barely a week. Enjoy the dungeons for gods sake and let newer players and those learning go at a reasonable pace.

People are free to learn in Normals/Heroics. Mythics is not the place for that.

I don’t want to look up a guide for the first time I go through the dungeon. I don’t want to be expected to pass “certification” just to experience something. I want to ENJOY the experience, LEARN the mechanics first hand, not watch some video telling me how to play a game. At what point should you just go watch twich, since thats they style of content you seem to enjoy.


Nothing of value is learned in queuable dungeons. The only learning that actually happens is in M0.


Then don’t be surprised when you get kicked. Go experience it first time in Normals/Heroics and leave Mythics alone. There’s a progression to things, you don’t just skip the first tiers and enter the expert tier and expect people to care about your feelings.