I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Thank you for this. I keep forgetting that these forums are dominated by the same handful of semi-literate angry 12-year-olds. I guess I’m not much better for sometimes taking the bait.

No. Tanks arent realizing there are 50000000 interupt casts on every pack. People are dying because tanks insist on pulling when everyones interupts are on CD from the last pull.

Slow down.

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Don’t let someone like this ruin your desire to give group content a shot. We’re not all like this.

While I agree that playing a tank is the most inportant role, in terms of responsibility, its not the hardest role to play. That falls to healer every time.

Maybe you should go do something else if people are wasting your time enjoying the content, learning how to play, taking in the fact it’s not shadowlands. Mythic 0s aren’t meant to be cleared quickly. Unless it’s in the TOS, EULA, or there’s a hidden timer no one knows about.

Sounds to me like you’re trash at the game. Lol

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Out of likes, have a :blue_heart:.

Most of us are pretty chill, especially week 1 of a new expansion.

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Literally a new xpac, new dungeons. People want to see things, also, people are not as comfortable with the dungeons yet.

Not to mention in leveling dungeons ppl are likely playing a class/spec they never have before and are learning the class as well as the dungeon.

obvious troll post is obvious

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and I wish blizzard bring back old dungeon design from BC and Cata.

Even I’m playing a spec I’m familiar with, but the rotation is different since the new talent trees so it’s taking some getting used to.

You will mostly see these type of people in higher m+ content or raids like 18+ keys or heroic/mythic raids anything else is honestly pretty chill dont be shy i honestly enjoy playing with new ppl coming in asking for help rather than ppl that alrdy know everything so again go out and have fun dont let these babies prevent that

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That’s a good point too. Some of the new talents changed things up a bit.

Ok… Go do Normals??

I know and agree. I was being sarcastic.

Elitists like the OP is why I dread even attempting any content above heroic dungeons. Everything has to be perfect, DPS has to be as high as humanely possible, you have to constantly GOGOGOGOGO. No mistakes can be made or you get kicked immediately. Yeah I’m a casual player. I may not be the best at the game, but I do try. I enjoy slower runs and taking things easy. I don’t take the game as seriously as the OP and others like him. Looks like this will forever continue to be a point of friction. So be it.

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Life’s short, better argue with some more random people on the internet. I don’t disagree with you but I am curious if you think you’re actually going to change other peoples minds by ranting.

Buddy that’s what Mythic was designed for, if you don’t want to be good at the game then just stay in LFR/Heroics and don’t “dread” about anything. It’s not for you.

Tanks like you are replaceable. It might take a while to get another, but the wait would be worth not dealing with this type of headache.


Just flag the post as trolling and move on no point in talking to this loner that makes random posts to make him irrelevant

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