I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Or you know, we can all focus on our roles and characters and I can just kick the healer and replace fairly quickly, DPS included if they don’t perform to my pace.

Basic summary of this thread.

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Its kind of your fault as well lol inspect gear before going out and bum rushing everything its funny how its never your fault but someone elses. Im 99% sure you pulled trash that have casters free casting on someone that has the 2nd highest threat aggro while you are charging into battle with yours eyes cross sighted not seeing your healer struggle. If you noticed it the first time why keep going? They told you to slow down some people would rather enjoy the the slow learning rather than speed running a damn 0. Also if you have problems with pugs make friends and rush 0s with them if the healer dies its the tanks fault if the tank dies its the healers fault if the group dies its the tank and healers fault you are the problem as much as that healer you had.

Oh look. Garmuck is trolling over on the retail forums, now.

You can do whatever you want, but why make a forum thread on it? You can kick and I can leave, so what? You think people are going to cozy up to your play style because you made a thread on a forum? I’ve been ported into dungeons where the previous healer was kicked and not always, but sometimes I can see why either the healer was kicked or left because the tank is an idiot.

The door swings both ways dear. Tanks are not infallible, neither are healers. I’m going to play normally, and you can do your “go go go” in normals and if we shall ever meet in a dungeon, feel free to kick me so I can go play with a reasonable group.

BTW, I’ve been playing this healer since January 2007, I’m not exactly new to this game.


300 replies. Hats off to you, you succeeded. Lol


Succeeded in being the #1 biggest baby over a M0


Imagine thinking everyone thinks like you, entitled much


Yup, Garmuck is entitled AF and won’t show his main. He probably is the type of tank that pulls half the dungeons and dies in one hit and starts complaining how everyone is bad.


I think he is trolling, but I know the type. I’ve seen his type in dungeons before.

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Brand new content and this guy thinks it’s unacceptable to check things out before m+ is forcing the speed…please comment on main for blacklisting.

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I’m gonna say OP is in the wrong here. If your goal is to clear the dungeon a certain way, do it with a group of people you already know instead of being surprised when the 4 randoms you picked up don’t share your goals. I’m all for efficient play, but the expansion is a week old. People are understandably going to want to take it slow and see the sights. Even the people who aren’t are going to want to take it slow so that they can actually ingest the dungeon mechanics so that they can pump the gas when M+ opens up. There’s no reason to go fast just to prove you can.


Here you go again trying to stir the pot :roll_eyes:

Oh look at his other post: My guild threatened to kick me for playing Dragonflight

Even his own guild doesn’t want to deal with his attitude anymore, shocker.

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I am sick of speed runners on normal dungeons, let alone mythics. Take your time.

edit: We are not even a month in, it is going to take months to get things down properly. Tanks still run so far ahead of the group in normal and end up dying. It is not a race.


Wait this is the guy that said “whats the point in grind wrath if cata comes out next year” yeah okay noow i see what the real problem was in your group LOL

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Yeah people get good and rush through EVERYTHING in the game . How dare anyone enjoy a game other than rushing through it.

For shame! FOR SHAME!

Playing games is serious business!

But jokes aside find your clique that embraces your play style, guilds are probably the most obvious.

When you pug you get what you get.

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OP’s attitude is exactly why the game population keeps shrinking.

If you have zero patience, not only are you making it impossible for new players to learn the game and enjoy it, you’re making it possible for most normal humans to enjoy their gameplay as well.

There are lots of console games out there that will satisfy your ADHD. Please, PLEASE go play those instead.



Blizzard just posted that tank classes should be able to hold threat better. THAT’S obviously where the problem was!

OP should be able to faceroll mythic 0s now no problem.

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Seriously… Perhaps the point would have more weight if it was the end of the expansion, but it’s literally the first week and we’re already complaining that people aren’t speedrunning the NEW dungeons? Not everyone played Beta and are experiencing these dungeons for the first/second time…

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