I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

The tank sets a pace. If 4/5 of the people in the group disagree with your pace, they can kick you or you can slow down. Those are your options. If they are taking it slow during untimed content, they are specifically playing the game the way it was designed, your opinions aside.

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In my case 4 of us agreed the healer is the problem and replaced them.

A thousand DPS/Healers is worth a single good tank, without us there is no group.

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If I’m queue it’s because I’m putting what I researched into practice. That’s part of the learning curve.

Keyword: PRACTICE. If you’re kicking people for practicing then you. Are. A. Grade-A. Extra. Large. First. Class. Jerk.


Did you create this thread on a single scenario where a healer disagreed with you?

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Go practice in Heroics, not Mythics.

Yes that was the premise, but I’m quickly finding that too many people here fail to understand their role in the party. Tanks have the hardest job, we decide if you stay or not and the pace of the group regardless of what the group wants.

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I don’t disagree that tanks have a hard job, but I wouldn’t say your job is the most important. I’d say that healing is the most important job. Hunter pets can tank, but no one else can heal.

Have fun hunter pet tanking +20s.

That is exactly why it’s private. Because I detest people who, when losing an argument, start to profile bash, whether that’s via the WoW armory, or via websites like RaiderIO.

I’ve dealt with toxic jerks like you for a long time. You’re not special, you’re not elite, you’re weak and pathetic, and the fact that you tried to look up my RaiderIO profile tells me that had I left it public, you’d have tried to find something on it to attack me because that’s what sad jerks like you do.

I hope you find some proper friends and get some help, because it’s clear you need it.


Your post was about LFR and M0, not M20.

Edit: No response so I guess the OP realized their contradictions.

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That’s cute that you think I lost an argument I already won.

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Contradicting yourself? Let me post a reminder.


Where’s the contradiction?

Except you haven’t.

Out of 197 replies in this thread, the vast majority of them are ridiculing you for your behaviour. I don’t think there’s even 10 posts that agree with you.

If that’s what you call ‘winning’ then that’s pathetically sad.

This is winning, you haven’t reached this peak, and you never will.

God forbid that people learn the new content.

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So for sure OP has to PUG cause no one wants to play consistently with their personality, yea?


I don’t base winning on a popularity contest, most of the peoples RaiderIO score here is insanely low. I wouldn’t expect many of you to agree with the correct stance anyways.

You can go watch YouTube videos and do heroics to learn, don’t waste peoples time in Mythics please.

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Do I need to hire Jim Carrey to point it out via the car scratch scene in Liar Liar?

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Idk i live for big pulls

Apparently big pulls hurts feelings on the WoW forums.

Post on your main so we can see your score and achievements? Genuinely curious.

Edit: Twice now the OP has ignored me. I think I make good points? Who knows.