I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Go back to heroics? I run evetything. Unless you’re in a mythic 0 with your mythic group your rushing is preparing you for absolutely nothing.

When a dungeon takes 15 minutes, even a 3 minute delay is increasing the time it takes to do the dungeon by 20%. Stop wasting the group’s time Garmuck, you should be banned for violating TOS.

Original message being flagged tells you everything you need to know about the validity of this topic.

Sadly not.

What he fails to understand is that only about 5% of players actually go outside of the game to look up strategies for mythic routes etc, etc. 80% of players do not engage with anything outside of the game itself, so he’s going to run into more players who learn by doing, rather than the ‘elite speedrunners’ group that he wishes he was a part of.

I say wishes, because elite speedrunners wouldn’t put up with his crap either.


But then they couldn’t flex how superior they are by pulling three trash pulls while the healer is drinking, wiping, blaming the healer, and then coming to the forums to make a post about it.

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My group thanked me kicking the trash healer as they learned a new route for future runs and we managed to clear it pretty quickly and even did more after.

The fact that you take 15 min to clear a M0 tells me everything I need to know about you.

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This is known.


These numbers are as credible as your non existent RaiderIO score.

I think it’s important to once again remind people that OP is talking about Mythic 0 and LFR, not Mythic + where timers matter. He wants people to rush in untimed content.


Mythic0 is designed to learn routes and prep for future timed runs, lack of timer is irrelevant.

Go play Heroics if you don’t want to learn to be optimal.

That’s awesome. However two things. One you can’t que for mythic+ so “preparing” with a group of randos means nothing. Two, you said mythic 0 was meant for a speed run when nothing without a timer is but you enjoy.

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Go play with a group of friends if you want to be optimal

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I run my own groups so I can avoid brats like you. I also take into consideration that this is week freaking 1 of the expansion and the dungeons are new. When I go into m+ then yes speed is a factor. In m0 not so much. You’re just being a troll.

Here you go:

Hope that finds you well :slight_smile:

And you’ve made the argument to kick them anyway if they aren’t learning fast enough in those runs.

You’re allowing no learning curve. Which is fine, if you don’t want to play with people learning, then don’t. But don’t turn the tables on them and say they’re the ones who are being garbage when your expectations are the ones that’re too high for what the content is designed for.

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My RaiderIO score is set to private exactly because of toxic jerks like you.

And I really don’t care what you think about that. You are a member of the worst part of this community, and yes, that puts you below the ERP trolls on my server.

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The fact that you refuse to post on your main tells me everything I need to know about you.

Doubt you even have a max level tank since you spend so much time trolling the forums.

Unfortunately, Garmuck, you do not get to gatekeep what people play.

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Please link us to a source that states a mythic 0, ran with a bunch of randos is designed to teach you how to run mythic+. Going by your logic (and I use logic loosely), normals are meant for you to prepare for mythic+ runs.

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Why am I responsible for your lack of education? Go research the dungeon before queuing, don’t waste peoples precious time.

Yeah THATS why it’s private, sure :roll_eyes:

Ofc I can, I’m the tank I control the group.