I'm tired of being humiliated

Eh not to be the “It’s just a game guy” but a game shouldn’t make you feel humiliated? Like what exactly are you embarrassed about? You have no control or power over the plot and anyone who talks down to you for being on the losing end like you had control is a loser.

I get being annoyed at the direction perhaps even angry but humiliated is a reaction that may justify a break from the game.


Haha. I remember thinking the very same thing about them doing an evil warchief story again at the start of BfA. Touch on wood if you haven’t already. Never say never with Blizzard.

Sylvanas (and Blizzard) are good at killing hope.

Yes, because that is how blizzard rights the Alliance, no matter how much it might frustrate Alliance players.

No it won’t because that is how Blizzard writes the Horde, no matter how much it might frustrate Horde players.

Here is the thing people continually miss. There is NOTHING logical about the situation. The Horde never learns because Blizzard never wants the Horde to learn. The Alliance always forgives because Blizzard wants the Alliance to always forgive and they do that because that is what they want the meta for the faction conflict to be. The Horde is always in the wrong and the Alliance never gets satisfaction for the what is done to it by the Hordes evils. The entire setup of the faction dynamic is built on that.

You want it to change? Well it requires more than just the Alliance to get satisfaction because this is a two faction game. It means the Alliance is going to have to get down onto the Horde’s level some what and make the conflict more about ‘us vs them’ than ‘righteous vs villainous’. The Horde should exist for the Alliance to feel all self righteous over and the Alliance shouldn’t exist to be a victim to a psychotic and hypocritical Horde.


i guess that it would enter more in the reaction of “angry” and i mean, extremely angry.

it is stuff like this that makes me lose my mind:

the video is just an example.

no official source, it is more with the fact that after mop, we kinda let the horde live. only to be proven wrong and that we should have killed them all. maybe teldrassil would still stand.


I’m not even watching the video, but dude … that was nine years ago. How many of the people in that video are even still playing? Why are you letting them spoil your day, today? Life’s too short for that. And I mean that in a supportive way.


i guess that you noticed in the post how i talked about the pass.
is not the fact the “well, that happened long ago” but when year after year, expansion after expansion you only get insulted not only by players but specially by the developers, you kinda enter in a spiral that at some point there is a limit in how much you can take.

it feels like even blizzard devs enjoy mocking you for playing alliance.
in the blizzcon 2018 i think “alliance, here is your horse :horse:” mocking us
and before that when they wanted to add IA to battlegrounds, the guy said “you are welcomed, alliance” i mean F** you. (not directed to you,btw pellex) that was not a player, that was blizzard.
Another example, ion “if you want to play a helf, the horde is waiting for you” i am not even a helfer but i noticed the lack of touch that they have with us.

yes, i can ignore, yes i can just not pay much attention to it,but sometimes, it simply explodes.

luckily this time that i have been away from the game and simply reading the forums has helped me a lot.

in fact, i found a new passion that has all my attention. and to be honest, i have some hope for the future.

thanks for your words.


Both factions and all the races are insulted in their faces with the exception of humans and orcs that are treated like they were some kids that everything is overlooked and still get the prize despite of not doing anything good or at all to get such prize(Winning the war and getting back their honor despite of how poorly they treat their allies and moron they can be)


As Horde, I kind of relate, in that I’m tired of my faction only existing because of help from the Alliance. Then we go back to “acting” like we’re at war, it’s sad.
But interesting points of view


Eitrigg makes the more sensible choice. He’s an Orc Horde Veteran all the way back from the days of the RTS. He knows how to lead and Horde military discipline. Rexxar is not suited for the role. He bails out of the missions he accompanies the Horde character on before they’re done. and I don’t think he’s got the mentality to handle leadership on that large a scale… or any scale for that matter.

Voss would be a good choice as the new leader of the Forsaken, who would finally have a leader that’s truly one of their own. Sylvannas may have shared undeath status with them, but when you get down to it, the Forsaken were almost entirely undead Humans, and she was an undead Elf… complete with elf attitudes towards humans as part of the package. Granted that in life, she was a bit more enlightened in that area than the rest of elvenkind, but still.

I have found not playing the game as of late to be a better experience than playing it for BFA. I messed up cancelling payment and missed a 6 month renewal by 3 days (got a Sylverian dreamer, but okay).

Been reading the shadowlands stuff and I might try out the new leveling system when it debuts. Depends on if we are locked to a given expansion or not. Getting the garrison, order hall, and Artifact Weapon real early might be appealing, but I am thinking of passing on Shadowlands itself.

Wish you luck with your new passion, I am still auditioning wow replacements myself.

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Everytime alliance person says we should burn a horde city to get vengeance I read it as I love Sylvanas so much I want to help her win in the story


There was no hint that ‘enlightened’ was really any regard to Sylvanas’ character. Retconning her so that she is even more of a waifu and the ‘harhar windrunners like human d*ck’ joke getting out of hand so that it is actually taken seriously it one of the biggest middle fingers in a story I’ve ever seen.

The fact that the game genocided the night elves and you’re out here stumping for them is amazing. Do you have any self-respect? Do you even know what the Forsaken were, as originally devised? They were made up of all the beings arthas killed. They should have included nerubians, elves, dwarves, orcs, and humans. The fact the game made them a small regional faction is fine, what’s not fine is them allying the horde for no reason.

And get out of my face if anyone comes out me with ‘muh practical convenient alliances-’ excuse. If it was so practical, why didn’t the horde ally the gnolls, who were a way bigger threat to Stormwind? Why would they ally the forsaken when they could guarantee them nothing? Or the ogres, or the syndicate? There were a dozen other options on the ground. Maybe if the orcs stopped sperging they might have reached an agreement with the night elves.

“Manifest Destiny” has not and will not ever be a reasonable reason to genocide anyone. The fact that blizzard has sterilized people to this effect is probably an interesting in how you can normalize anything, and as long as the person is far away from it, they’ll feel nothing to the effect. Or at least enough will that nothing will get done. Night Elves are left forgotten because “hey we killed a random troll king, woo-hoo…”

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I’d rather Sylvanas win than suffer a single other instance of the Horde winning. Ever.

It’s called zero-sum and it’s the only actual tactic you can ever use in total, absolute warfare. The Horde and Alliance aren’t friends, they stopped being friends when the Horde decided to genocide several people. Theramore, Gilneas, now Teldrassil. When does it stop?


Wow I really did not need to see this one… :no_mouth:

It explains a lot, though.


i don’t think that can accuse me of “loving sylvanas.”
What is wrong about wanting justice?

it is extremely frustrating that the alliance doesn’t respond in kind because “we would be as bad as them” BS, we would never be as bad as them.
if is not that at least i expect some payoff or a “good story” in exchange. maybe tyrande can get that next expansion.


Retaliating with your own instance of burning civilians alive isn’t justice, though. That’s just revenge genocide.


I’m wondering why the alliance always needs to have the moral highground? If moral highground means losing over and over again, then I don’t even want it. Horde always kills civilians in every war they start and the Alliance never strikes back, not even in the slightest.

Why doesn’t the alliance do something morally questionable if the horde keeps on doing evil things and never changes?


I’m only taking issue with the fact he called it “justice”, though.

I agree that it’s stupid that the alliance is written to constantly bend over backwards to accommodate the horde after they commit atrocities, but at least be honest about what you’re asking for. Just say you want to commit genocide too.


maybe after that i could feel a little ashamed of the alliance going to far and stop feeling so angry at the horde.
i guess that the current problem is that the moralhighground is way too high. i still want blood. that’s what happens when blizzard alienate too much a playerbase.

but like i said, if we get a good story in exhange i am willing to forget it.

Yes, I can defintely wake up in the morning with a clear conscience. Blizzard doesn’t need me to stump for them. If every person in this forum were to unsub today, it wouldn’t even click on thier radar.

In correct. Way back in the RTS, t he Forsake were specifically the former living population of Lordaeron. They got the name SPECIFICALLY because when they tried to reconnect with their comrades in the Alliance they were greeted with fear, disdain, and murder.

I can give you a whole bunch of reasons, but to speed it up, it’s because none of your alternatives would have fit with the story that was being told from the beginning of this franchise.

You have a lot of history to learn. But again, comparing the decimation of a fictional race to committing those acts in actual history is taking the fan mentality beyond Cloudcuckooland to veritale insanity.

Blizzard decided to tell the story of a world where history makes changes. And because this is by definition a Crapsack world, most of those changes are going to be pretty horrific.

Where did you hear that?

A guy who worked on it tells it differently: