I'm tired of being humiliated

This is assuming blizzard doesn’t do a bs time skip next xpac and just say that many things kind of fixed itself.


That is also possible…

I’m not saying I want that, mind you. I’d hate it. But it’s preferrable than existing solely to get our cities razed to make the Horde feel bad and to lend Shalamayne to Varok “likely crushed lots of Sormwind baby skulls in the First War” Saurfang to save the day (after starting this whole nightmare).


Imagine playing Horde, a faction that at the start of WoW had redeemed itself from the control of the Legion, risked their lives to save and befriend new allies, and made a home for themselves in Kalimdor while helping to save Azeroth from the Legion. Then the faction you love is slowly dumped on and reverted back into Tolkien-esque dumb evil orcs which makes zero sense all so the Alliance can look like the benevolent white knights pumped up on Jesus juice and forgiveness. They’re constantly portrayed as taking the higher ground and being basically social workers for the Horde who need constant moral talking-tos and timeouts for making dumb evil decisions.

People on Alliance side cry Horde favoritism and people on Horde cry Alliance favoritism when really we’ve all been made to look equally inept. The writers treat the Horde as a bumbling child and the Alliance as the light handed parent.


Maybe you should? You think that by not complaining you’re being mature, but you’re essentially telling Blizzard that you’re okay with their story.


Thread has devolved into claims from Horde posters that “But we had it just as bad!”. I disagree, (not even close), but…

It doesn’t matter. Forget the other side for now. The only question is: Is it a satisfying game for you?

If it’s not, then quit playing.


Really, fighting on who has had it worse is like discussing which nail punctured the tire, instead of fixing it.

I hate my situation but doesn’t mean any other race/faction is in a better state.

Narrative is (good but) poor, differently but it hit both sides. You have to swallow destroyed cities that became irrelevant and I have to deal with wacky Horde Leaders since Thrall left, specially my own faction leader going nutty with extremely poor and contradicting narrative (a front fighter and expert manipulator that loses her wits at some wording from a defeated opponent).

You better start, either building some narrative resilience, imagine your own, or just forget about it. Even if they are improving its still a loooong way before it being a satisfying one.

While I’m sad to see you go and feel you made some valid points in your OP, I feel like a lot of this frustration most of you are feeling is due to unrealistic expectations.

WoW (notice I’m not saying Warcraft - Warcraft III has probably the best RTS storylines of all time) has always been ruled by the “rule of cool” - and it’s got too many writers/too many characters to get it right most of the time.

To enjoy the story, personally I’ve accepted it for what it is: a fantasy comic book with zaniness abound that shoots for epic story beats - landing some but missing most.

Those misses are because a failure of execution.

The ideas Blizzard’s writers have aren’t necessarily bad, Garrosh’s turn to tyranny could’ve been amazing. Sylvanas deciding to burn Teldrassil could’ve ACTUALLY been morally grey. The problem with both lies in their execution, as with Warlords, Cata and so forth.

As to your departure, I’ve taken plenty of breaks from these forums (2-3 from the game) and it’s always done wonders for me. I wish you the best and hope you find a way to renew your passion for Warcraft.

Safe travels!


No they’re not, there a persuit of resolutions to an unsolvable situation which so happens to be the Warcraft story. This is why the WC RTS evolved into an mmo and Starcraft hasn’t a glimmer of doing so.

This obsession of blizzards to resolve every matter instead of developing and creating characters is creating a void that is harming both the past, present and future of this game we fans love so much and it’s already showing.

Thank you, actually i haven’t. since simply did the end of the war campaign and changed the face of this character.
during this time i am simply reading the forums.
and is kinda great not having to think too much about it.

as for the end of the war campaign i have mixed feelings but at least they managed to keep my interest at least until blizzcon.
Then it would be all decided there.
meanwhile, i will just limit myself to not playing the game and simply read the forums for fun because my sub runs out in january 20, Lol.


You’re tired of the Alliance being honorable, noble, and willing to sacrifice for the greater good of Azeroth? How pitiful that all you desire is to deal back what Sylvanas dealt to the Alliance rather than seeking peace with the Horde for a greater Azeroth.

Why do you need revenge when all it does is ruin things? Bet you like Tyrande too, sympathize with an ignorant racist who prays to Elune that maybe her evil might survive another day.

I always try to understand the dev’s perspectives to the point of having been frequently accused of being a white knight.

But it’s getting more difficult to reconcile my perspectives with theirs. Perhaps it was easier when their approach was more hands-off, but recently they’ve approached the story a lot more meticulously while simultaneously being very open to abandon their lore continuity.

I just cant predict anything anymore.


one of the alliance selling points was that is about retribution, of justice.

i cannot respect a faction that doesn’t deliver justice to their people.

tyrande racist ignorant? what are you even talking about?

luckily, it seems like at least her story will be followed in shadowlands in bfa apparently the alliance humilliation ended.
so, yeah. it had to end someday. even with blizzard insulting alliance players in their face.

with tyrande story being continued, the chance for internal conflict and focus on the alliance is still there.


careful there nobody said that Tyrandes story in shadowlands will be positive for night elf / alliance fans.

We only know that there will be something.

oh yes, i don’t think that i would to stand another darkshore.
i mean… there is no way that such stupid storyline will happen again, right?

but i have hope, i know that they can do a good job when is not faction war garbage.

99% chance it ends with her “finding peace” and her eyes go back to normal.

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hopefully not before the horde (and Sylvanas) hasn’t paid for their crimes


And if they don’t?

So the Horde get to commit monstrous acts and then hide behind the moral code of the Alliance when it comes to retribution and justice? The Alliance must always turn the other cheek while the Horde slap them again and again?

Perhaps if the Horde learnt the cost of their actions, by suffering their mirror, they might start to improve.

I’m all for allowing the Horde to suffer the losses they like to inflict on others but that would harm the game, so instead the Horde players get shamed by in-game text. BfA laid it on pretty thick for Horde players, showing their faction to be led by monsters and sycophants, all too stupid to see Sylvanas for what she always was. The Horde council is a good step to stop them all being tricked for a third time by a leader.


Preach. :rotating_light: