I'm tired of being humiliated

Whats wrong is your bascially giving sylvanas the gun to kill you, its stupid, for someone who is tired of being humiliated you sure seem to want to bend over and let sylvanas humiliate the alliance every more than she already has.

how is that giving sylvanas a gun to kill me?

and how is that bending over?

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Horrible things happen on both sides of factions and everyone just neglects that and complains about the things being worse on their end. Because alliance won all the war fronts and garrosh was just as awful to the horde we were blamed for his actions since he was our leader. Plus Jaina slaughtered tons of blood elves to get Dalaran. They’re can’t be peace among sides when your only seeing the effects to yours and not what you have done to the other constantly wanting retribution or “justice” is why all the pointless tragedies in the world keep happening in the first place eventually someone’s just gotta forgive and wipe the slate


Then let us commit the next atrocity and let the horde be the ones who forgive. you guys will love that.


Cause every death makes her more powerful.

No one needs to be commiting atrocities? Why would u want that why not move on that was the whole point of the Anduin and Saurfang story

The problem here, friend is that we already did that back in mop after we randomly forgived theramore, it didn’t work.

Why the alliance has to be the one who always holds back?

That is literally headcannon.


Hey, I dont blame the Alliance Players.

As a Horde player, it was fun and awesome and satisfying to burn and kill Alliance for their injustices. As well as watching them whine and cry on the forums about the Horde being mean. But, all good things come to an end.

The Horde had their fun and now we get to follow the High King’s path. If the Alliance players want some fun, fine. They have been on this High King path for a while, and could use a break.

I hope Tyrande burns Org. Let Alleria destroy the Sunwell and Quelthalas. Let Yrel begin a Light Crusade. Let Anduin fall to the Shadow. Something. Whatever. I dont need more reasons to kill Alliance.


“Forgiveness” after purging Dalaran I don’t think u understand forgiveness without retaliation

What lol did you not watch blizzcon KEK

I think at this point he doesn’t want justice he just wants to kill as many hordes and commit as many war crimes as he can without anyone judging him for doing it lol


Unbelievable, honestly some posters in the forums go the lengths to stay in denial


You got that right :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t want to go back to that old argument, jaina was justified in her actions after the sunreavers betrayed her again.

yes yes i know “but it was only 1” or whatever. i am honestly tired of discussing that.

moving on, the problem was that, after theramore was destroyed after jaina tried to destroy orgri in justified revenge, “oh no, we would be as bad as them” and that is simply not true, that was blizzard protecting their favorite faction of the retaliation they deserve, so in the end the alliance doesn’t avenge anything and we are the ones who we have to forgive, enough of that.

the alliance didn’t dismantled the horde back in mop and now we see that has been a horrible mistlake,seeing how teldrassil ended.

maybe there is something that i miss, did blizzard said that she becomes stronger with the souls of the fallen?

i am a simple man, eye for an eye i only want to give them what they gived us.


Man, it genuinely sort of bothers me that Alliance players keep implying that they want the treatment the Horde just got … but they don’t really mean it. What they want is the focus the Horde just got. They want to be portayed as the proactive force in the narrative. They want the attention. However, there is the implicit expectation that the Blue Team not get the catastrophic collateral damage the Red Team gets when they get that sort of focus.

No tarnishing their factions rep into perpetuity. No shattering the very foundations of the Alliance’s Faction Identity. No being forced to spend just as much time slaughtering members of their own faction, as they do the opposing one. Above all, no end stage which results in the loss of a bunch of their most developed characters; with zero replacements developed to take their place first. Oh, and no just moving the hell on into the next adventure without looking back at the wreckage that story just caused to the very foundation of the Faction.


the same could be applied to the alliance if they don’t let alliance characters have justice, what is even the point of having an alliance?


Well thanks for confirming it you don’t want justice at all just more war and hate crimes from the alliance without judgement for it this is exactly why I was down for a third faction fighting to defend Azeroth instead of being with people who wanna kill a different faction and think they’re a hero for doing so

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Every single death makes sylvanas more powerful, thats why she soloed the lich king lol the devs said that at blizzcon when they announced the next xpac shadowlands

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I have no idea why You don’t get that an eye for an eye just leaves the whole world blind

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Its one of the issues this fanbase has with wow, its always been a anti war story. So some players tend to get upset, when blizzard gets all anti war on them cause they want to be RAWR LOOK HOW COOL BURNING PEOPLE IS.

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