I'm tired of being humiliated

over the past few weeks i have been conflicted between wait until whatever ending blizzard is planning or simply go already.

i have my reasons as for why i haven’t done it yet and i could explain it in detail but i feel like that is not longer important.

because at some point i feel like… a masochist.

i like pretty much everything about the alliance,characters,cities,zones, aesthetics,ect.
i loved kultiras, i loved jaina’s arc until the faction war…

But there is something that i cannot longer tolerate and i am sure that some horde players will be happy about this:
Getting humilliated.

My problem comes from way back, first in cata we lost gilneas,and i said “alright this is the story it gives me purpose, it sucked but okay”.
years passed.

Then we got theramore destroyed at the hands of the horde.like a gut punch. we gained dalaran, i guess.

We raided orgrimmar… but that was everything but a victory.
sure it feels nice that they tell you that if it wasn’t by voljin we would have lost to garrosh outsmarting everyone with any sort of tactics.
while the alliance was seeing everything with a dumb robot cat while the horde moved the plot.

Then we forgived the horde FOR SOME REASON. and we gived back orgrimmar without impossing peace terms.
Any new land in exhange for theramore? rebuild it?
we could kill at least the ones who did it?
so we basically helped the horde regain their capital?

garrosh was defeated, alright, could we kill him at least?.
No, that is not happening, he survived, escaped and then we got thrall showing up (the guy who basically created the horde) and stealed our kill in something that we should not even care.

so where is the alliance in all of this?
Someone is gonna pay for it? Alright…i guest that we just should move on.

We got legion and the only thing that we gained in mop was lost to neutrality. Sure, varian got an epic ending but then blizzard decided that the alliance should be stupid or whatever with “They betrayed us!”

Anyway, remember how i mentioned gilneas?
it seems like we finally were getting some revenge for our city! for liam!.. and nope… we just. ruined a plan?
And like… we didn’t even killed sylvanas… or anyone… so… where is the revenge?

and finally we got teldrassil way more worse than the previous combined.

so blizzard wants to tell me that the reason why we lost teldrassil is because we forgived the horde?

i am TIRED of our mercy getting used agaisnt us.
i am so TIRED of having to deal with the constant jokes from some horde players about the cities that we lost or “hey i got nelf burgers!”
yeah, really funny right? :clown_face:

i do not blame horde players for what blizzard has done to them.
But seeing some people act like that really makes you lose sympathy and it sucks, i know that not all of them but there we have it.

Why i have to keep enduring these kinds of humiliattions?
i do not play to feel like that.
where the alliance gets contantly beaten and being reminded every possible time about that time that you got humilliated and got nothing to counter it so i end up feeling hum… really bad feeling impotency knowing that there is nothing i can do about it rather than just stop caring and move on.

it is also kinda worst when even in universe the devs mocks you.
there is a difference between “faction rivalry” and directly telling your players that they are garbage.

nathanos in darkshore is the best example.
The alliance recently got a direct hit with the tree and then tyrande came back to darkshore and we got nathanos mocking her and you about the tree burned and those who died and then escapes while laughting at your face and there is nothing you could do about it.

that did’t feel like a character in universe but rather the devs directly mocking you.
And now they want to tell me “sylvanas will survive”
while the alliance apparently will help the horde AGAIN with their corrupt warchief AGAIN and very possible to forgive about teldrassil just like we did with theramore.
Meanwhile the other playable faction still mocks you about your devastating defeats. and how much we didn’t repayed with the same coin.

i will NOT accept that.
i think that i endured enough already, but if the journey to get to the end is the be constantly mocked,humilliated and ridiculized so someone’s else can have fun is not worth it.
what kind of faction doesn’t protect their people or get some sort of revenge or self-preservation?

but my mission is to not make other people feel miserable, that is not my purpose, i simply come here to debate ideas, or characters.
should i have stopped caring about the story a long time ago? should i have just moved on to another game?

Why did i created the post? simply to express how it feels
and why i refuse to keep playing.
to be a long-time alliance player when we had faction wars.
and that i had enough of it, i can’t even look at something warcraft related and getting this feeling of… anger.
that is why i decided to just go.
at it sucks that blizzard has ruined so much the faction that i loved.

i didn’t even mentioned any of the leaders and there is no need for it, characters are just characters that do what the writters decide.
That is why i don’t hate characters for what they do in the story, i hate the writters for make them do it.

i truly hope that someday blizzard can somehow repair the damage it caused.
i heard that ffXIV is good… i guess…
Thanks for reading.


If it makes you feel any better pupper, I am also waiting around to see what the next patch brings before deciding if I delete my account or not.

That’s more to do with my guild falling apart thanks to half of them screwing off to play classic, but I’m not any happier with the story than you are, and I’d rather not have to participate in another ‘heroic’ defeat of a Horde leader when I’d rather be fighting at their side.


Yes i was also in that situation, just waiting whatever garbage ending blizzard is planning with the ending of the war campaign. but if the journey to get there has to be this clown fiesta,then i think that i already decided. it would be really difficult that it convinces me to go back.

my friends also went to classic and i probably should go there but like i said, even seeing something warcraft related brings negative feelings.

maybe i should try another games, idk.


Etheldald, I dunno how many of your posts I’ve read, and although we might not agree on half of the things we think of, you have nothing but my respect.

A break from the game will make a difference, trust me.

Try different games, try GW2, try FFXIV, try BDO. Hell even try a complete different type of games. see what they have to offer.

I recommend trying GW2, you would laugh at WoW’s graphics, balance, story, representation. GW2 falls short on end game PVE, but the PVP and WvWvW is what the endgame is all about.


You should try FF14. The story is great, with characters you can like and actions you can be proud of. Free to lvl 35 so you can check it out for nothin’.

I have absolutely no regrets switching from BFA to FF14.


I second this.

I took a few months off to play ESO and when Blizzard gave me three free days to come back I stuck around because playing something else managed to pull WoW’s stranglehold off me and I’ve actually been enjoying the game again at a slower pace and if the story gets worse I’ll still enjoy the game itself.


But etheldald, how else are you supposed to have that precious moral high ground?!


FFXIV is great. Don’t believe people when they say that it’s a ‘weeb game’. The story has more western fantasy influence than WoW does (Which is more like DBZ at this point anyway).

Only downside for FFXIV I’d say is the endgame really lacks. But the story after 2.0 is so amazing, it’s worth sticking around for.


I can sympathize. They say misery loves company. I will share my feelings of disgust and humiliation.

The Siege of Orgrimmar was a humiliation. Top down. What more needs to be said.

The treatment of Voljin was a humiliation. My first level 60 in Vanilla was a Darkspear Troll. When Voljin became Warchief, I had high hopes. Then in WoD, he basically just shows up to say hi. Then in the Intro to Legion, it’s all about Sylvanas. His last living moment is in ignorance and being tricked.

Stormhiem happened. It infuriated me to see the Horde treated like toothless jabronies. What justice do I ever see? It comes off screen, outside the game, in books. Anduin rebukes Genn in private, and Saurfang uses Stormheim as reason to agree with Sylvanas. But that is all. There is no justice, and from the look of things, Genn will stick around while Sylvanas is thrown under the bus.

Infact, I spent part of Nazjatar with Genn and Jaina. This Blood Elf has to work with Genn, and my Zandalari has to work with Jaina - the Ice Witch who’s head was demanded by my Queen, Talanji.

And as a Loyalist, I feel the biggest humiliations are sure to come and rather quickly. I joked about Loyalists getting a Toy Duncecap, and proudly wearing it.

A break can do you good. I really loathed MoP and took a break for most of it. I returned for the Darkspear Revolution.


Try not to take it in the feels. Easier said, then done, I suppose. As disgusted and loathsome as I find some story aspects, I keep in mind the source. It is not Alliance Players or even “Honor” Horde people. It is a few writers who probably have other motives.

I have no proof, this is just conjecture - but I feel like Blizzard told the writers: “The game’s population is dwindling. Max level players are a bit spread out. We want to remove some cities. Maybe Teldrassil and UC. Make a reason.”

So, take a break. Or ride out your sub and see where the expac goes. Or temper your emotions with a bit of callousness. Or, if you truly feel mistreated or like Blizzard is a company you want nothing to do with- that is understandable.

I do not plan on unsubbing… but idk if I can take another expac of the Alliance crapping all over the Horde while I work with the Alliance to crap all over the Horde some more. It is getting old.


Honestly i think everyone feels humiliated alliance pro sylvanas anti sylvanas. No one is happy no one feels pride because nothing feels herioc or like it means anything no matter the side.


I went back to Classic and it just feels so much better without all the baggage. It is neat re experiencing the original lore. It is helping me to appreciate Legion and the artifact quests more actually. Talking to Jitters in Darkshore about a scythe he pulled out of a mining tunnel and how he was pursued by Dark Riders coming from Deadwind Pass. Then looking at all the Worgen around me , logging out and looking at my own Worgen characters and I could feel the weight of history and appreciate how they slowly pulled that story along over years.

What I think also helped is I took a month off and played through the original WC III games (Reign of chaos and Frozen Throne). It reset the timeline for me and gave me an entirely different game play to go with.


To the idea that has been presented to trying other games, I can say that I finally got around to playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild since I’ve had so much downtime from the game and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

I’m not fully on a break from WoW but I may be shortly if things keep going the way they are, and having an expansive game I can enjoy without relying on others or worrying about factions or where the story is going has been something of a relief.


cursewords, i truly don’t understand when you said that orgrimmar was humilliation when it needed basically the combined world to siege it.
it wasn’t just “the alliance” apparently, they would not be able to do it if it was the alliance alone. and then we gived the city back, it isn’t a smoking crater like theramore is.

on this i 100 % agree, the way how they killed him and ignored him in broken shore while giving the main spotlight to sylvanas instead of the actual warchief of the horde is like… bruh.

Yes i think that this is what i actually need, maybe next blizzcon they manage to repair some of the damage… i don’t know.

i certanly never truly enjoyed faction war, i hate fighting other players and the toxicity around it. the only reason why i stayed is because my favs characters and nothing more.

Hey, thanks! i think that i am going to give it a try, the gameplay and character customization seems to be light years above wow.

Who gives a crap about moralhighground anymore? just so sick of it and blizzard making alliance characters acts like that for some reason is hum… infuriating. can we have new writters already?


Should you really be criticizing someone trying to show empathy by sharing their own disliked moments in your thread about humiliation?


i am not criticizing i am just trying to understand.
did it really felt like that? because i certainly didn’t feel like how he is describing it.
if that comes as criticism then i offer an apology.


Just wait till you meet the community, so nice that you start feeling out of place.

The zones, the world events, the little cut scenes… I can assure you, you will love it. If you decide to play, let me know, I can help, i’m on the US servers. but beyond that they have mega servers which means in PVE, people are from different servers, but WvWvW stay Server vs Server vs Server. so if you are into PVP, choose your server wisely.

Also there is no faction wars, or races against each other, each race has it’s problems with the other race, but everyone is allied. You just fight against other servers.

and you can be in 5 guilds at the same time. :slight_smile: wont post a wall of text here, just let me know if you want any sort of help, info or ingame :slight_smile:


If you try GW2, the second expansion, Path of Fire, comes with a mount system that’s easily the best any MMO has to offer.

Also don’t start with engineer.

I’d personally recommend FFXIV over GW2, but they can both work. The PVE scene is far better. Only downside is the large barrier to entry to get there, unless you boost to the current expansion. Shadowbringers easily has the best writing out there for any MMO, so.


I understand how you feel. I am not leveling anywhere near the amount to characters like I did in expansions past. I recently had a out of town class for work and ended up not playing for a month. I didn’t miss Wow.

Since I had already bought the x-pac I decided early on to ride this expansion out and see if the ending was worth putting up with the launch and starting story dumpster fire. They have the ending of the expansion to sell me on getting the next expansion, not what is in that expansion.

We will see what the final fate of Sylvanas brings. and I will say them starting to encrypt the stuff does not fill me with confidence about their work. If anything it is a further loss of confidence in them.


I left it short because I figured it was pretty self explanatory.

I am to blame for the confusion, because I did not describe why it felt humiliating. I figured it was clear and obvious to most.

But since you ask…

The Siege of Orgrimmar has a lot of baggage that I do not over look. Thrall picked Garrosh in part because Thrall was not sure Orcs could follow a Troll or Tauren. And a Makgora or civil war would occur. It showed a flaw in Thrall that I can not erase.

Then Garrosh goes evil anyway. He has a Makgora and a civil war anyway. Making Thrall seem doubly awful.

The Horde is fighting itself, and working with the Alliance to fight itself. That is a hollow feeling. Even though I wanted Garrosh dead and gone… I had to kill Nazgrim to do it.

The Capital city I have made my home since Vanilla is now controlled by evil Horde and I have to invade it with the Good Horde and Alliance.

Then, to top it off, Varian Wrynn threatens to end the Horde if it does not comply with his conditions. He threatens this to the new Warchief, in front of a deposed Warchief, and an old Warchief, in the heart of our capital.

I get to run around with Alliance Players who get to boast their “Conqueror of Orgrimmar” titles. Constant reminders that our capital was indeed conquered and spared.

And the worst part - Garrosh is spared. He gets to live, have a farce of a trial, and go on to create WoD. There is no satisfaction for the rebel Horde. Just humiliation. Just being aided and spared by the Alliance.


Hey, good news my weary friend, looks like we may find out how screwed everything is on Tuesday!

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