I'm tired of being humiliated

They’ll get around to it when the Alliance compensates for putting the Orcs in camps after the second war, or the razing of camp Taurajo.


Turns out they were right because the horde keeps causing war and bloodshed

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Where’s the lie

Easily the worst examples. They put them in the camps because the defeated the Horde’s war of aggression. While not the best or best enacted action, not much to compensate for. And Taurajo was a minor action at best.

Not really when the common reason for their actions is their environment, not just for being Orcs.

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Lordaeronians, who are mostly with the Horde now, did this.


Can’t argue with that, level 69 as a Gunbreaker in the game so far. (Actual awesome trenchcoat armor set that Blizzard never delivered for my Worgen, too.)

i don’t know pellex, i know that players are innocents
it may be true that horde had civillians before bfa. now?..
what i have seen in bfa from them… no bueno.

i truly don’t remember many instances of the horde doing something “good” while most of their races have a “war culture” or “bombs, blight, kill everything in sigh”.
The only “good” race and the only one who has done something “good” from the horde have been baine and the tauren, and we both know how much he is hated for it.

Now, don’t get me wrong i want to be proven wrong so badly i want to see if the horde is truly capable of being “good” in actual good faith, that they can be better.
that daelin wasn’t actually right.
That the efforts of peace from anduin,jaina,thrall and baine are not in vain.
Please, horde, show me that they are capable of being “good”.
Because if the horde commits the next atrocity, lets say, talanji killing katherine and some civillians because she wanted to kill jaina
or geyarah nuking exodar or whatever.
it means that anduin and jaina/alliance are truly idiots for trusting in the horde again so please for the love of elune, i hope that is the alliance the ones who makes the next move. or at least that story doesn’t start with yet another horde atrocity.

Please, show me that the horde is a good force for this world.

like… who? it is wrong for me to say that the entire horde supported sylvana’s genocide? lorthemar himself claims that sylvanas had the support of the people, he even feared that his own belfs didn’t supported him.

Maybe the zandalari considering that they weren’t part of the horde, only to help the horde anyway in the end.

You mean the mercy that therenas and the alliance had with the literal alien monsters who invaded and destroyed everything in their path?
and come on, camp taco ? hawktorne is dead. and the guy even tried to minimize civilian casualities.

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You know what?

I am tired of being humiliated. And spat upon for decisions Blizzard’s writers made. For doing nothing worse than choosing the red team and paying money.

RL is stressing me out enough right now without extra stress in a place that’s supposed to be a place to relax and discuss a fun video game.

I think I need a break.


i am truly sorry that you feel that way, it is not my intention to do such a thing. i simply try to explain my position.

is not your fault that blizzard has done this. they have been doing since wc3. when they need some story they simply villain bat a horde character and the horde.

it seems like we both got treated really bad one way or another.
i will stop posting in this thread and just let it die.

again, i am sorry.


I mean, how many horde players say they don’t want to be villains, but turn around and advocate for dead alliance?



When was this ever a thing? On these forums?

I don’t know, how many?


Don’t you ruin my hyperbole


Random general goods vendor #381 doesnt count as a charcter. You have contimued to show that you are are unwilling to come up with any constructive ideas in reguard to evening the scales.

Everything you suggested is bitter and unreasonable. They dont actually do anything, they are empty, especially if they arnt represented in game. Real effort needs to be placed into mending this divide. Like the suggested quest chain where horde and alliance work together to apprehend war crimials like Belmonte to be turned over to the night elves.

I will direct you to my previous statement. I never said any of those suggestions punish hirde players, but other posters suggestions on this thread do. Those are who that staenet was directed at.

All of these are a god start.

  • Helping to kill syvanas has already been shown in game with the rebellion. We will have to see how this contiunues but the precedent has aready been established that this will be happeneing.

  • I and many others have already stated that a complete withdraw from darkshore and ashenvale needs to occure. Aything beyond that would need to be carfully explored to make sure it doest affect the players experience.

  • I wouldnt mind a few quest to go remove blight, they would be a copy/paste from southshore. I dont want the horde qesting experience to become laboring for the alliance, i already had bfa to tell me that im a bad person at every turn, i dont need to go throug more of it in shadowlands.

  • Saving night elf souls from the maw seeems to be the plan for everyone in shadowlands.

  • this falls under point 2.


The Horde has done literally the exact same world saving that the Alliance has done over the last 15 years. Ahn Qiraj, Outlands, Northrend, the Twilights Hammer, Deathwing, the Thunderking, time traveling orcs, the Burning Legion, and now the Deathlands.

Now i don’t think you’re arguing in bad faith here when you demand multiple times for proof that the Horde is capable of being good, even though proof of the Hordes good capabilities make up the majority of Horde content. I think you’re honestly just focused exclusively on Alliance content. You should take a step back and realize the majority of the ‘good’ things the Alliance has done, have also been done by the Horde.


Rebelling against your faction isnt nothing, saurfang died to make sure no horde or alliance live needed to be lost. Is this enough? No. But only so much can be fit into development. I wouldnt be intrested in some .5 patch dedicated to belittle horde for this. A subset of quests spaced out over a few patches. The spaceing would help convay a continued effort to make amends.

Completely fabricating whatever depraved head cannon you have here falls on you, not the horde. You know full well this isnt and hasnt happened, spreading it around as true events does nothing to solve anything. It only propagates and reafferms hatred between the playerbase for the red/blue team choice.

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i know this is true, and yet it doesnt’ feel like they have done it because it was right, simply is convenient for them to fight these threats because it happens to also threaten them and after said threat is deal with, they return back to their “lets kill all things” mode.

To me it feels like they commit all sorts of crimes and hide behind a wolrd threat to not face consequences.

Take a look at this expansion, the alliance simply wants to heal the world and stop the war.
meanwhile the horde started the war using azerite as weapon,genociding a race don’t caring at all about azeroth, simply they wanted to continue their destruction as long as they can keep killing stuff, they are happy, the fact that they supported sylvanas to the very end proves this.

And now, they released and old god and are hiding behind the threat of the old god. that they released thats convenient, don’t you think?
What happens when we kill n’zoth and after sylvanas?
Are we going to return to the warcrime simulator?
what city the alliance is going to lose next? what crimes are going to be commited by the horde?
What old god they are going to release next?

like i said before, please show me that daelin was wrong. because i don’t want to hate anduin or jaina or the alliance for being too stupid for trying peace for the last time.


I can’t control how you feel. So I’m not going to try beyond pointing out that a blanket declaration of the Horde’s motive is neither provable or helpful, and demonstrably wrong in multiple cases. Just off the top of my head, Thrall, Baine, even Saurfang and Vol’jin didn’t act out of convenience.

Yes, the Horde is capable of doing good. The Horde is also capable of doing evil. You’re choosing to get hung up on the second part while painting with the broadest brush imaginable, and then letting that choice affect your feelings, which, by your own words, is further slanting how you view the situation. Look inward for a solution to your humiliation.


BtS contradicts this. Baine called sylvanas to thunderbluff specifically to discuss silithis and how to help. Knowing baine wouldn’t be on board with invading ashenvale/darkshore she sent him south to lend aid. She didnt care about the aid, she wanted baine gone. Baine on the otherhand cared very much to do something. Hamuul runetotem has spent the entire xpac there as well.

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Baine would be a good example by those 2 times that he tried to do the right thing.
and he is hated for it “oh, he is just helping the alliance”. many times treated like not even part of the horde by the players.
Thrall in the other hand i would agree with you, in hyjal, and then in cata and in tides of war/war crimes. But wasn’t he… kinda away from the horde for some time?
Basically meaning that if he is not in the horde then the horde goes to their second war era. is that easy to turn an entire faction evil? only 1 person holds them back?

Voljin… i remember that he only turn of garrosh after garrosh tried to kill him, not before.
i would agree that he did tried some diplomacy with the alliance first at least.
And then he died and named sylvanas warchief.
As for saurfang… i don’t know about that, he was the one who started the war in the first place killing innocent guards on their way and still choosed to support sylvanas even knowing what he and she had done.

Baine is basically the only one left in the horde who can do the “right” thing and like i said many,many times, he his despised for it. horde players don’t want him to represent the horde. so what does that tells me?
and yes, i am aware of hamuul but he is… hum ,kinda neutral.

anyway, i guess that i exposed my points, i hope that we have good things in shadowlands.

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