No, I was just saying that the Zandalari were also openly hostile to the alliance. The other thing was mostly refering to Blizz’s bad writing because they felt the need to rub salt into the wound after teldrassil so many times.
shadowlands can’t come soon enough.
maybe with neutral content we can breath a little from the faction war nonsense.
How does it punish the players if the horde does something like this:
Even if horde players don’t want to participate in it, they could make it happen offscreen then so horde players that don’t care about the lore don’t even know it happened.
It just surprises me how on the one side horde players say that their faction isn’t evil and their actions are justified while at the same time not wanting to participate in acts that would actually redeem their faction and make them better than Sylvanas.
We’ve participated in acts but no amount of acts are never enough for you my god
The Horde did nothing to compensate for the genocide they commited. Absolutely nothing.
They are sitting in Orgrimmar right now bragging about who killed more civilians instead of doing some of the things I suggested that would actually partly redeem the horde. They are just happy that they don’t have to apologize or face consequences for what they did.
Why should they?
the question is “Why shouldn’t they”.
Its why I think splitting off and becoming mercs instead of dancing to either factions terms is the better option.
Why allow these gutless cowards, fools and 4-d megalomaniacs have the run of the show? They didn’t hold the damn factions together. We did.
So now its our turn as PCs to take hold of the wheel and steer it into oblivion.
First off, I applaud your choice of using a gender neutral pronoun. Unfortunately in this case and context it will lead to confusion as you seem to be saying the whole of the Zandalari are responsible for the actions of a single person. A single person the Zandalari killed.
But if that is the single event that you feel justifies a coordinated military attack, then you’ve sort of proven Smig’s point. A single Zandalari set a fire in Stormwind as a means of escaping unlawful imprisonment.
You’re going to want to avoid basing your arguments entirely off of your fantasies. Unless I missed some significantly bad taste development, there is no reason to believe the Horde are sitting around bragging about civilian casualties.
It is what the horde did right after the War of Thorns, why would that behaviour have changed now? If anything they are even more happy that nobody of them was hurt and they all got away completely unpunished and without consequences.
Because who cares about dead Alliance lol
Neat. Now what you’ve done here is double down and move the goal post. You made one claim that you couldn’t possibly prove because you made it up, and to support it, you’re providing another claim that’s completely different. And that you’re also not able to prove.
Now the problem with your suggestions is one of opportunity cost. Revamping the zones that you want to have “given back” is developer time and effort wasted on revamping an old zone that nobody will use. It won’t happen. Writing a Horde apology into the Alliance story is developer time and effort wasted writing a story for the Alliance that will effectively be entirely about the Horde, so one that nobody will like. It won’t happen either.
Maybe a novelization, I don’t suppose you’re rational enough to accept a resolution to your complaints that happens out of game and is neither contradicted or reflected in the game world?
I mean read the short stories the horde was celebrating their great victories after the burning of teldrassil and shamans/druids even amplified the flames.
Uh why? I’d be all for a solution that happens in the lore but not in game regarding the zones.
Other things like saving souls from the maw should happen ingame though (if it’s even happening). It’s going to be a game mechanic in 9.0 so I don’t see why not?
And this is a further shifting of the goalpost. You have now gone from arguing that the Horde is bragging about civilians casualties right now, to arguing that the Horde celebrated a military victory a year ago. Next comes the bait and switch where you try to convince me that proving the second is the same as the first.
Cool, then I suggest you pitch your idea to Christie Golden and maybe she’ll work an apology scene into her next book.
You are not wrong that it is a loss of developer time to revamp Darkshore or Ashenvale to reflect the Night Elves/Alliance retaking/rebuilding the zones. As an Alliance fan, it does sting a little though. It is Cataclysm redux where Maestra’s Post burns forever and Silverwind Refuge remains a charnel pit of night elf corpses. It stings a little more when one realizes that Blizz could at least give us the datamined bit about Tyrande declaring victory in Darkshore. Yet that seems to not be in the cards for the moment.
Other than that? No other chacters deserve punishment, because horde players don’t deserve to lose 90% of their characters.
The Night Elves kinda lost 90% of their characters with Teldrassil
Just not named ones
It’s gotta go beyond just Nelves reclaiming, otherwise the Horde actually lost nothing with the war, except for an enemy capital at their continent
Raze Horde settlements in Stonetalon and Feralas, be it Orcs, Tauren or Trolls. Have the Horde druids chased out of Hyjal and Moonglade for the sins of their faction. Any loss of the sort to the Horde, even if not represented in-game. And preferrably not willingly on the Horde’s part, tbh. Show that the Horde can’t just burn ten thousand Night Elves and get away with it by choosong who we get to kill in retaliation.
Of course now with Anduin’s peace it’s probably too late for any of that, and the price the Horde has paid for Teldrassil is… Their half of Arathi Highlands, I guess.
no such thing as horde civillian.
Y’know … you keep apologizing for contributing to the toxicity on this board, and then with your next breath, you turn around and say things like this.
there is no such thing as horde civillian.
Come now little puppy, even I know there are Hordies who did nothing wrong :c
Those who did nothing wrong are at the very least wrong in the head
Support of the people and all that jazz
Kinda makes those scenes of ex-Loyalists in Orgrimmar more jarring if most people were loyalists… Is this a case of Brennadam writing again
I mean, sure I do agree that there’s a bit of blame with people who didn’t really do a thing but sort of supported the idea.
But still, it’s not like we can execute them all, sadly