It still amazes me how you still think that Sylvanas will be killed off. If they didn’t plan for her to be right at the end, there wouldn’t be a loyalist option.
There is no way that the writers will let their self inserts die either, we have seen how they wouldn’t even let us wound Nathanos in 8.1 even though there would’ve never been a better option for him to die.
Lastly, no living being in Azeroth has the power to oppose Sylvanas.
what is wrong about being racist on pixels? careful there.
i do understand horde players, is not hard to understand, blizzard forced them to be the villains and they had no control over it.
is that my fault?.
The same way it wasn’t my fault, i understand that is not their fault either for what the writters did to them.
i have nothing against horde players, what more do you want? that i deny that i hate the horde? because that would be lying.
It amazes me that you think sylvanas wont be killed, off, like if blizzard was M, night shyamalan, blizzard doesnt do twists, and sylvanas is framed as the villian of the xpac for shadowlands.
I mean blizz even said that she won’t be Garrosh 2.0. The only difference between garrosh and her is that she’s way more evil and that she won’t be killed off most likely. Rest is the same
I mean there are literally NPCs in Orgrimmar who tell you “For the Banshee Queen, always!” After the rebellion.
They didn’t take anything back. It’s the exact same people that’ve been dirtying their hands this whole expansion. They just switched leadership, because their evil overlord ditched them.
Yeah and, theres some americans today that are members of neo-facists groups does that mean you are a neo-fascist? WEll the horde have a loyalist sylvanas uprising, maybe, depends on if blizzard is gonna want to put that in the game or not, but what does that have to do with the new goverement it has?
Absolutely not. Like i said blizzard needs to fix it. We as consumers put our faith that thwy could deliver and they failed miserably. Those that get a salary from the money we pay need to come up with something. All sorts of suggestions have poped up on the forums from people dedicating their free time, that are clever and address many of the issues.
Horde players want something to redeem their faction. I dont like being on the faction that got a pitty victory, then turned around and burnt civilains alive. Yeah, it aucks for alliance, its sucks for the night elves, but that is what horde gets. A pity win, thats not really a win then in the emd we lose 2 of our tiny cast of characters and every part of the war after. Night elves alone have a larger cast of chacters at the end of bfa than the entire horde.
We know we shouldnt have won that, a bunch of meat heads with sharp sticks and rock vs malfurion and tyrande? Give me a break.
It still doesn’t change anything about the fact that as long as the horde has a functioning military, innocent blood will be spilled. And history has proven that multiple times.
And I dont want the alliance to become villains, I agree with this, why cant the horde just be redeems, the alliance keeps its morals, and we never look into a faction war for a while, end the cycle of hatered so we dont have to keep complaining again, when ironforge is on fire and the horde loses more characters and the alliance wins another world war in a tweet.
In this scenario the entire Horde was fascist 5 minutes ago, now they’ve only switched from their dictator to a council made mostly from the former fascist generals. But the people are the same.
Germany was split between and controlled by the two major powers that defeated it in WWII and remained so for 40+ years. I wouldn’t mind that either.
The issue is thst these are the exact same people. This isn’t 2019, it’s 1945, and all of Adolf’s generals are alive and kicking it. Teldrassil wasn’t 70+ years ago, it was a year ago and only a few years after Theramore. Hell, the First through Third wars weren’t that long ago.
Because the writers think that swapping their warchief redeems them already. Actual redemption would include some of the following:
Helping to kill Sylvanas and apologize sincerely to the faction they commited genocide against
returning zones
Helping to remove the blight from said zones
Help saving Night Elf souls from the maw
Help rebuilding the towns and cities they have destroyed and pillaged
and this is only refering to the Night Elves of course, there’s more. But then you’ll have some edgy horde players come up and say that they want to play an evil faction and this shouldn’t happen.