You know sparing a small portion of civilians after executing thousands of them doesn’t really make up for it.
I don’t even want to know what would’ve happened if Teldrassil wasn’t burned and the horde invaded it. Maybe the burning was a more peaceful death than getting their heads chopped off by horde soldiers, after all.
nope cause non of what you mentioned are genocides, its always bad actors, like these mantids are raiding and fighting pandas, or these saberon are killing orcs and draenei. I never had a quest that had me burning a saberon city and killing their children, but nice try.
“There’s so few of them…”
“Sylvanas has the support of the people”
This is the second time we’ve been through this. Does the Horde get infinite chances? Cause the Alliance only has a finite number of settlemdnts for them to decimate.
“the bad stuff sylvanas did”
You mean saurfang?
the gigantic green rat that started the war in the first place and killed innocents guards with the rogues he send cutting their throats?
The only one who did any good from the horde and did “the right thing” was baine, but he doesn’t really represents the horde and he was just in debt with jaina.
I will not slay innocents. If they do not raise arms against us, we shall spare them. Enter Lor’danel and capture any civilians you find there. They shall be questioned and then released.
Oh if life doesnt matter we should all just mass sucide then, give sylvanas the god hood she wants, I see through you, you dont care about the story, you just want to have a talking point to horde players, you want to laugh, I bet if blizzard let you write the story, you’d say that blizzard should delete the horde lol.
Just like sylvanas shouldnt be redeemed due to her crimes, the alliance shouldn’t get the green light to commit crimes, crimes are crimes, and a story should have a message, and that genocide is a answer to a problem isnt a good message.
I completely chalk this up to blizzards inability to tell a mediocre story. Very few would have supported her after that, but they would have defended that trash heap. The events and motivates of those involved make no sense to have actually allowed this event to play out. Its a narritive trainwreck.
As a primarily horde player I should not be subject to repercussions for their blunder, which include the continued trampling of the horde narrative for alliance sake as a response for Teldrassil. Bfa has already told me every step of the way that i suck. With every addition to the war campaign and every sadfang cgi.
Blizzard should never have put any part of the playerbase through this and Blizzard needs to go the extra mile to fix this. Not me. dismantleing the horde punishes me, the player, not blizzard. If can only think of suggestions that end up punishing players then you have a problem.
Imagine thinking that the horde is good because they spared like 1 out of 100 civilians.
Is killing horde soldiers a crime? Those soldiers that killed innocents of your people and will do so again in 2-3 years?
Sure we can spare farmers and innocents to still have the absolute moral highground, but armed horde soldiers and war weapons need to be dealt with.
And also, if Sylvanas or Nathanos return to the horde after they get redeemed then that would really be the cherry on the cake.
Do we just get to forget about the genocide and the rest of the horrible crimes they committed this time because luckily they learned their lesson again at the same time N’Zoth broke free and Sylvanas went off to “set us free”? No retribution at all for BfA is the ideal outcome because war bad?
and when you do the ally side all those people are dead.
That is not what i said.
please tell me again how the horde was redeemed ?
what? Haha what makes you say that?.
No i don’t. i expose my points on why the horde is absolute garbage. but i don’t blame their players for trying to defend the indefendible.
if blizzard let me write the story i would not had this DUMB story in the first place where the only reasonable conclusion is the dismantle of the horde.
i wish you good luck, happy to argue with you!.
i don’t know about that, i am not even asking to commit crimes i am only asking for them to do SOMETHING
Yes i actually understand this point, blizzard wanted this story this way so we can have shadowlands and whatever story they are doing with sytlvnaas. i understand horde players frustration but this is how it happened and how it frustrate alliance players like me who wants retribution or at least something out of this.
Now once again,katiera, how the horde has been reedemed from genocide?
like i said, the only one who did something “because it was right” it was baine, and we know how much he is hated for it.
why do you want to skip the story, dont whine at me about that sylvanas isnt dead, you need to learn to wait or quit. Sylvanas is obiviously the xpacs villian for shadowlands, if you cant wait for her raid its not my problem.
the only thing you exposed, is that you are racist against a bunch of pixals. And dont hide behind you understand horde players, you literally dont you actually refuse to understand