I'm tired of being humiliated

This guy gets it

Yeah, don’t care at this point, because you want that justice but clearly do not care about the “after”. What happens to the Red Faction, half the playerbase, after you get your justice? What more could we lose from this stupid narrative that turned us into a mere vehicle to push the story of a single character? Honestly, it wouldn’t take much more to make the entire faction sterile for future stories for years; if not perpetually. I know the Alliance playerbase feels jilted, but you do need to be aware of how structurally decimated the Horde Faction currently is … because Blizz wanted to use it as a plot device to settup Shadowlands.


While neither is ideal, I would much rather have not getting to punish the other faction as much as I would like over being forced to either be a bad guy or watch your faction crumble from being ruled by one.

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We were fine before bfa, after legion, the peace that we had was okay, we could forget about the past. and move on.

and then bfa hit,teldrassil was destroyed and the nelfs got genocided by the horde, again, so what choice do we have now?

Forgive a genocide?

oh don’t get me wrong i actually support anduin’s and jaina’s peace and jaina admitting that she is no innocent.

Now, that i support her peace doesn’t mean that i accept that the horde simply forgets about teldrassil and the nelfs getting treated like thrash while the murderers get all the focus, aka saurfang and the horde.

and at this point we get to the same point, you don’t care about alliance players then why we should care about what the reds wants?
our desires are directly incompatible and i hate blizzard for putting both of us into this position.

For the record i always tried to be sympathetic to the horde players and what blizzard has done to them.

knowing this, i have no animosity towards horde players and i don’t blame them for trying to defend the red faction.

but i don’t think that i need to explain what i think about the red faction. (never the players).

i believe that we could have get justice and end up in this exact same point.
knowing that we probably aren’t getting that, as long as they do a good job with tyrande story in shadowlands i am willing to let it go.
the same way i did with theramore and kultiras and hopefully soon with gilneas.


I dont get what you even want that this point what do you want to stick it to the horde, that doesnt cause death and makes sylvanas more of a death god.

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a payoff for teldrassil, nothing more and nothing less. (and for gilneas)


Payoff is such a broad world, I am no closer to knowing what you want.

yeah, that, maybe a good story with tyrande next expansion.

no genocide of the horde, no nuking cities, not head on pikes.

i am not asking too much, right? .


No but it sounds what you want isnt gonna happen till sylvanas meets her end

What if Teldrassil becomes a Bolvar-esque Undead Fire Tree in the Shadowlands filled with Dead Night Elf souls, and it helps heal the rift Sylvanas caused at Icecrown. Sort of causing the Burning of Teldrassil to be the downfall of her scheme?

Would that be a pay off? Or would it just be more of the same old “no one ruins Sylvanas’s plans like Sylvanas”.


That cuts both ways. Some people tend to get upset because they got the anti war message and then Blizzard expects them to be excited when they’re told they just burned some people.


The Alliance got completely wrecked at Teldrassil with no hope of saving the civillians, and then was denied any payback at Lordaeron. Then in 8.1, Tides of “”“Vengeance”"", we deliver retribution by… killing a king that only showed up this expansion and was completely unrelated to the War of the Thorns, pushing his people towards the Horde, failing to kill Sylvanas’ C-tier boyfriend, and getting the people we failed in the pre-patch brought back and turned against us.

Finally, when the big confrontation against the Horde and Sylvanas comes… whoops, no retribution, you work together with half the Horde so that glorious hero Saurfang can get his epic war drama over by heroically dying to his partner in crime while once again reaffirming the greatness of the Horde while Sylvanas flies away like an 80’s cartoon villain, and now we can’t send them the bill for the tree because they’re under new management (which is the exact same old management minus Sylvanas and Saurfang, plus Thrall), and some rando giant squid was conveniently released to distract us from what happened so far.

Not only did the Alliance get no payback at all for Teldrassil the whole expansion, they got more things to add to the list of why they should wipe out the Horde (Brennadam, the assaults, undead Night Elves, dragging Derek’s corpse out of the sea and hanging him around to humiliate Kul Tiras in Kul Tiras). And now we know we won’t be getting any retribution at all because next expansion isn’t even in Azeroth, it’s in Deathland, where factions don’t matter and Tyrande will be going into some self-discovery journey while everything else is left as is.

I’d gladly trade 2 or 3 or 5 or all A-list characters to avoid having my faction go through this ever again. And throw the moral high ground in TOO, though I’m not sure it’s possible to go below the Horde’s level after BfA.


Your romanticizing events to your favor you’ve already stated you just wanna kill horde and look like the good guy for doing it so just leave it at that and move on I’m sure eventually you’ll get your unwarranted bloodbath

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After BfA and before any actual resolution, no bath in the Horde’s blood is unwarranted.

Well maybe not Tauren or Nightborne blood I guess. Maybe.


Killing people just makes you as bad as the horde, genocide is bad, there is no such thing as justified genocide.


and who even cares at this point about keeping the morahighground?

i say that we should kill them all to honor our fallen brothers.

the alliance really would had to work hard to be on that level.


BfA has proven the Alliance that the safety of their people is severely endangered as long as the horde still has any sort of military and a functioning army.


And Shadowlands proved that if we kill people we just help sylvanas

what about after we killed sylvanas, we kill the octopus, and we saved the souls from the maw?

can we kill them all then?

Fine, deal with Sylvanas first. But don’t act like the Horde is any better than Sylvanas.