Nope, imagine having the same morals as sylvanas
That goes both ways
Wrong, sylvanas doesn’t care about the living.
i care about our allies and our people getting justice.
You’ve clearly never played horde or know their side of the conflict at all if your saying they’re no better than sylvanas
You have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever of what justice is you want unbridled vengeance which disrespects the memory of a more peaceful people
Tell me their side of the conflict then and what makes them better than Sylvanas
Litterally the majority opposed and questioned her actions entirely it’s why there was a rebellion in the first place
Thats the point woosh, just like sylvanas, no morals
That is completely untrue. Seems like you are the one who doesn’t know the horde’s side of the conflict.
Literally the only person, and I mean the ONLY person that specifically felt regret about Teldrassil was Saurfang, and that was after the whole thing was his fault.
oh come on now, the entire horde supported her during the war, at lordaeron, saurfang was the only one who left and was marked as traitor, baine only went to jaina after the horde was starting to lose the war.
lorthemar did basically nothing
she even got the support of the people until the very end and the only reason why they stopped to support her is because she said that they suck.
Disrespect would be letting the murderers in the horde not get punished as they deserve.
Wrong, i do have morals, is called justice for the fallen, don’t you have any respect for those who died?
Then i am sorry but are a horrible ally.
It’s 100% true? There wasn’t a single main horde character left on her side at the end aside from her love puppet nathanos and a money hungry goblin that everyone on the horde hates even her closest allies like lorthemar left her and wanted to act sooner because she was out of control the only reason people didn’t is because they had to watch after their own people so sylvanas wouldn’t do to them what she did to teldrasil I couldn’t name ANYONE that didn’t regret teldrasil outside of nathanos sylvanas and gallywix you need to check your facts hard
Justice =/= genocide lol
there is no such thing as horde civillian.
Imagine if the allies killed all the people in the axis what a black stain in history that would be lol, and btw this isnt the rp forums
Nope it is true. All the leaders but gally and au thrall said as much at baines “trial”/ zellings execution, but in classic blizzard fashion they had to try and subvert expectations with that 1 line. Sylvans has the support of the people. Out side of that there isnt the slightest hint that she has support.
wow, hold on there no mix real life things with wow, please.
One characters weren’t given the choice to leave on top of the fact they were defending there home and two soooo many npcs during the fight talked about how she was going overboard and Baine almost got shot for saying she was going to far? U guys seriously are raging out without knowing the other side at all
why not, all stories are based on real life, dont hide behind it, I have ment people that hide there real racism behind there game racism, not saying you are, but those people exist.
So how do you maintain safety for your people if dismantling the horde of their army and military is not okay for you?
No, it’s 100% false. Read the lore. Nobody in the horde felt regret about Teldrassil specifically other than Saurfang, and he was the one who is to blame for all of it.
The rebellion was the absolute minority even in 8.2.5 and even they didn’t really care about the war of thorns. In fact, immediately after Teldrassil, the horde celebrated and cheered about what they had achieved.
Also, the horde isn’t showing regret for it after Sylvanas flew off, did they even apologize? No they didn’t, because they are not sorry about Teldrassil, they are sorry about Sylvanas abandoning them.
You do what genn said in 8.3, you fight for peace, but prepare for war.