I'm the lord of outland, that's cool

Blocked for trolling.

As a Gnome, I rule all that I survey. Which isn’t very much since I can’t see a lot from down here :disappointed:

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I don’t know that level 11 forum alts need to announce when they are blocking someone. :man_shrugging:

Do you remember where and when he said that?

I love how OP creates a lighthearted thread, and then somehow Alliance players take offense to it.

It wouldn’t make sense anyways.

Ironforge is a vault built into a mountain. Ironforge is built for trade and facilitating craftsmen and trade peoples. The layout is all wide roads that lead to each other. Stormwind by comparison is a Gordian knot that wouldn’t allow for large cargo to pass through the streets easily, Ironforge would.

Ironforge also has tram access AND an airport. Stormwind has sea access, but Alliance port towns are absolute garbage because they’ve all been destroyed by the Horde.

Stormwind is literally built on the coast and has an harbor. :clown_face:

Anyway, it’s stated at the end of Exile Reach that all Alliance races come to Stormwind to trade. Not Ironforge. Stormwind. You are fake news.

but Alliance port towns are absolute garbage because they’ve all been destroyed by the Horde.

I must have missed that time when the Horde destroyed Boralus.

Yo mama is so fat that when she sat on the black temple it became the sunken temple

Didn’t it take them like. Over a decade to fix a park?


What are they trading with?

I didn’t say they didn’t. I said it wouldn’t make sense from a writing standpoint. You should read what I’ve written before you respond to me.

And you’re angry and over emotional.

Are you trolling? Who could the Alliance capital be trading with?

I’m done wasting My time.

No you arent.

This is actually a point against Stormwind being a viable trade capital. Boralus is better positioned to be a trade capital. They have better and faster trade routes and are already a shipping town/city. Stormwind however, is not a shipping city. Stormwind is a military city that also happens to do some trade.

This won’t change you being wrong.

HAHAHAH, this proves how little you know the lore. If you knew the lore, you’d know that Stormwind is the largest and greatest Human city on Azeroth, the holy centre of Human religion, and the most multi-racial capital in the world. Boralus doesn’t even come close.

None of this is true, especially going into TWW.

Okay so you’re just trolling, got it.


I’m sure I’m super upset.

Sticks head out of the Den of Mortal Delights to find two hotheads ruining the mood “DO YOU TWO MIND!?”

I call dibs on Feralas southern shore for my player housing! Have a sign saying, “Gone fishing.”

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Good luck. My momma would have the Fel Orcs cowering as they approach.

She has her own personal Path of Glory made of Orc bones as a drive way.

Your Fel Orc army would tear off their faces in fear, and beg to join her Horde.

I’d avoid her house for your own sake. You can have the other zones, though.

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Stormwind has a massive harbor, a wide-spread and well maintained system of roads protected by garrisons and a network of many smaller towns and shires all over the southern half of the eastern kingdoms. It also has a direct line of rail to landlocked Ironforge.

It’s got all the advantages when it comes to regional control as well as global trade.

Drags Kaioon into the Den of Mortal Delights “Sweet, ladies I found a fridge!”