I'm the lord of outland, that's cool

Just leave Zangarmarsh alone. I love the glowing mushrooms, beautiful Naga, and hunter’s best pets- sporebats. :purple_heart: :milky_way: :purple_heart:

But are you…super cereal?

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Yo momma so phat when she log in she gets world explorer achievement

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That great and all but do you drop epic gear when killed? Asking for a friend

Noooo! Not the blasted lands with all that non-farmable dirt!


Meanwhile, what does the Blackrock Clan have?


Hey yall, I just wanna thank yall for viewing this silly post and replying to it! Its fun seeing yall have Alliance pride or questioning what will be on my tombstone, etc. etc. Yall are some real ones

Also Varodoc, I hate you, I hate Alliance, but keep hating, I like the spirit!

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