Im tasking you stranger, IN FIXING FACTION IMBALANCE!

Don’t forget Warlords of Draenor, though, where Horde racials were gutted and were vastly inferior to Alliance racials.

But STILL, in Warlords, the high-end raiding scene was dominated by Horde. Even with the huge racial disparity in Alliance’s favor.

It’s not about the racials. It never was. It’s a playerbase thing.

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A 100 dps increase when players are doing over 100k dps isn’t a better racial.

A racial that completely wipes out the adds on a boss is a better racial.

Small amounts of currency were never going to fix the problem of a combat advantage. This claim is ridiculous.

Players are incapable of fixing it. Even if they were capable, there is no incentive for them to fix the problem—only a cost. It has to be Blizzard.

Using the emoji just proves your immaturity and lack of ability to respond logically.

You didn’t tell the truth. You made an indefensible claim.


Delete Blood Elves.




Hahahaha! :sweat_smile:

One year later; “Good news, everyone! The next patch is dropping next week which means Horde can finally start mythic!”

The Horde raiding guilds that Alliance is so envious of aren’t using cross-realm to do it.

Hold a mirror up to their face and ask them why they don’t raid or push end game content.

Blizz even gave you horde racials in BoD, and you still couldn’t do it.


It certainly is. Years of better players going Horde (for a multitude of reasons) has caused a noticeable skill difference between the factions, the most apparent being in the Hall of Fame. There are also population imbalnces, a good example being warmodes Allliance bonus being perpetually 20%-25%.

That’s not even touching on the mess that PvP is.
EDIT: the lore is also a hugely tilted dumpster fire. I could probably write an essay on how awful thats been.


You’re half right. I remember when the wave of alliance players left for horde and many of them left due to racials. If any thing it’s a combination of both, however I’d blame blizzard more than the players. They can easily fix this, but won’t because they gain money from it.


It’s a popular urban legend, but it isn’t true.

The truth is that individual players flip between Alliance & Horde all the time, depending on the guild. We have people join us by switching from Alliance, and we have people (for whom our times no longer work) sometimes switch to Alliance to join an Alliance guild.

There are plenty of Mythic Alliance raiding guilds out there.

The big questions are:

  1. What can Blizzard do to promote more raiding, in general. (There are many things they could do.)
  2. Why do so many non-raiders on General Discussion care about this, suddenly?
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it’s not a player made problem. The problem is it costs money to xfer. That ISN’T a player problem. Remove that and the problem goes away over night.


It’s more fun. Now the raiding part is mostly lack of drive* on my behalf, but the M+? The most tiresome rubbish they’ve ever come up with**. I decided I was done with it Legion. The only way I would even consider pushing keys is if the rest Bunny Party came back and wanted to do it. I would do it because they are my friends, not because I enjoy it in any way. I’m unwilling to be annoyed for strangers.

*Until the current RL fiasco, time was also an issue. Second shift makes for awkward raiding. Your options are either late night with Australia and terrible latency, or weekend raids. (shudders) Yeah, that wasn’t worth it. You’d think people would be happy to be off work!

**…and they made Visions, which are like solo M+. Which you can see by the level of my cloak, that I’m not very enthusiastic about that either. So boring.

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They pretend they’re victims even though they are actually the problem. The question should be - why don’t you raid? not Why do the horde raid better?

Maybe people should throw less money at streamers?

It always cracks me up when people throw $50 at a streamer, but scream bloody murder at a server or race change fee…

Cannot hear you over the Mechagnome heal and combat analysis. Or Dark iron dwarves debuff remover and damage steroid LOL

They can try, and they have the better racial traits and warmode incentives to help em out :wink:




But isn’t ranked PvP MMR based and has no relation to faction? And Alliance can queue as Horde for Random BGs if they wanna.
I can see it being an issue to guilds when it comes to recruitment however.

Big words coming from a guy who’s biggest achievement is an M14, as Horde.

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Also, most of the top arena players are Alliance:

Alliance = better racials.

It’s cute that you think this is my main.

Also, sticks and stones?

Sorry I triggered you :kissing_heart:

Not as cute as believing racials are the core issue to faction imbalance.