Im tasking you stranger, IN FIXING FACTION IMBALANCE!

Take faction transfers out of the cash shop.

Don’t have to drop factions, just need to make all races like panda, let them choose either faction.


Combine the Alliance and Horde as they no longer make sense.

For warmode; allow players from either, former faction, to join one of two different cartels.

Boom. Problem solved.


Regarding which portion of the game? The dominance of Alliance on RP servers, the dominance of Alliance in raiding/PvP in Oceania, etc.?

Can you be more specific?

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It’s absolutely not a player made problem. Racials have influenced world firsts as recently as this expansion.

Even if it was a player created problem, it’s still Blizzard’s problem to fix. Letting their game go down the toilet just because players figured out how to break it is not what responsible companies do.

Get better arguments.


Can’t fix it. It’s a player issue. I would, however, offer cross-realm Mythic raiding to the Alliance from the start and open it to the Horde once enough Alliance guilds complete it.

There is no fix other then to make transfer free and easy to do.

Players will ALWAYS congregate to one side. If the two factions are perfectly balanced, then players will just go to the side that has the most players doing what they do. As in, want to PVP and there is no difference between alli and horde? Then go to the faction that has the move pvp players. Same is true for M+, raiding… etc.

So either they make it free or there will always be a balance issue.

  1. Convince Alliance there is no imbalance.
  2. Ask Alliance why they would rather collect mogs, do pet battles, and level 43 alts rather than pushing raids and M+.
  3. Remind Alliance of the genocide they inflicted when a heroic raid weapon was the reward for AOO. Why did you stop when the reward was nerfed?

But what would that accomplish?

If the goal is for more Alliance guilds to get Cutting Edge, then allowing cross-realm raiding is detrimental to that goal. You aren’t going to get more Cutting Edge by promoting pugging.

You DO get more Cutting Edge by promoting more reasons to form and build up strong guilds. Unfortunately, everything Blizzard does in this game now is to the detriment of guilds, and encourages pugging instead – which sabotages the number of CE guilds that exist.

  1. Nerf Horde racials at first so they are functionally unimportant.
  2. When Balance hits even, delete all racials so race is cosmetic.

Boom win

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Except that Alliance already has superior racials.


What does this step where you lie accomplish?

But the rest of my post is true?

It is.

Alliance got all the better racial traits.

Those war mode incentives were them trying to fix it.

:rofl:oh wait you’re serious…

They hated me because i told them the truth :face_with_monocle:


Yeah they don’t. Zanda has amazing PVE abilities. Vulpera have the best farming/rare racials, etc. Only thing alliance has is small rep bonus and shadowmeld…that is it.


So long as both side’s complain equally about the other being out of balance then in general it is balanced.

However a system by which once you reach max level you can switch to the other faction via a repeatable quest grind would be interesting for a means of balancing further. I rather enjoyed this concept in Everquest where your char was punished/rewarded with each race for their actions and not the actions of their particular faction. I understand the “war” part of WoW must continue however I think you should have the opportunity to choose the side you wish to be one and not have it linked directly to race.

Is the gap a legitimate issue?
Sorry if this seems ignorant. I just don’t understand.

The biggest reason that things don’t get better for the Alliance is the Alliance playerbase, most of whom don’t understand how to use the superior tools that the Alliance has. They would rather just continually complain about “horde bias” on the forums, instead. /smh


No, they’re correct. Alliance racials are superior by a very slight amount. Especially after trash gnomes.

Racials are fairly close to being balanced for once, they just waited until everyone migrated to Horde for some reason.


Name them.