Ranked PvP issues is population issue for Alliance. Not a lot of people do it on A. I should have clarified by PvP issues I primarily meant randoms.
We actually can’t. Mercenary mode (currently) benefits the Horde only. Alliance only got it for a brief period in WoD, when Horde PvPers switched for the human racial.
Mercenary mode is for the larger faction to reduce queue times, arguably it contributes to imbalance.
No way to tell, sadly. In any case, $25 for a server transfer is not a ridiculous amount of money. Although I’ve been saying for years that the game is long overdue for a big round of server mergers.
Reduced cost/free faction transfers from the dominant faction to the lesser determined by realm population statistics, removal of Mercenary Mode to further incentivize PvP players playing the less populous faction for shorter BG queues, temporary bolstering of the less populous factions’ racials or sliding flat damage buff determined via realm population disparity (say from 0 up to 10%) that doesn’t require WM, just about anything to push players to join the other side until an acceptable divide, say a differential of about 5 to 8%, can be reached.
Of course those are just my ideas. I would also conduct some brainstorming sessions with other figures in the company, and likely form a team with their goal being to find some means of bringing the factions near to balance, and I can’t speak to the ideas or efficacy of them because they are not me.
yea, it’s not a ridiculous amount for most of us. I think its more of a principal issue, at least that is for me. The fact we have to spend $25 for them to xfer any toon… anywhere is just ridiculous. I get they need to make money and all, but it just feels like we get milked at every opportunity.
There is no easy solution to this. Blizzard maybe tweaked racials too far in one direction or another but over time people just…started flocking to the Horde. Like gravity, they ended up landing here.
It’s a player made problem and the only way we’ll resolve it is to, among ourselves, get some Alliance guilds up and rolling again and resist the urge to jump faction.
On Blizzard’s end the easiest thing to do is remove factions from the game and have people pick a side that they’re locked into for x amount of time when engaging in PvP.
Storywise the factions are making less and less sense anyway.
Especially given that a server transfer is a long term investment and works to Blizzards advantage. It is an indication a player wants to keep playing so bending them over without lube is extremely short sighted on their part.
Allow cross-faction parties; allow members of each faction to gain enough rep with the other factions’ cities/races to freely navigate them; allow us to learn each others’ languages.
That would only work for queued content, and I think the assumption is that we’re talking about high-end stuff here, since (as far as I know) there is no faction imbalance for queued content.
yea, it’s weird. I think making stuff more flexible would make players happy and more willing to play. Even server xfers… there are times I’d really like to be on a low pop realm again, but just dont see the point in wasting the money.
I don’t see how it can be fixed without a new MMO. This game is built around orcs vs. humans. Giving us neutral factions or shared factions would be fine in a new game.
Having people choose any racial opens the floodgates to all classes sharing spells too.
Fundamentally, we need an expansion that is less story progression and more character and class development. I don’t see how that can happen because it’s always…“what’s the next big bad hiding under that rock over yonder”… We need both though. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Allow free or highly discounted guild faction transfer for about a week each raid tier. Discount dependent on which faction you choose.
Permit the same faction to battle each other. A brawl may work for instanced PvP.
Allow a maximum amount of horde and alliance for warmode per zone. The exact number must be 1:1 or very close. Newly grouped players will be phased if not enough players of the other faction are available.
Allow horde to engage in “mercenary mode” for world pvp.
Allow free-for-all in war mode. Extra honor and extra rewards for the high risk.
I don’t know about one giant Dalaran sewer. I like the idea of that mayhem, but as long as it’s true FFA with no grouping whatsoever.
That eliminates an aspect of doing certain things like fighting elites, world bosses. Maybe a FFA phase with soloable content? Could we progress story in this mode or it be only post max level?