Im tasking you stranger, IN FIXING FACTION IMBALANCE!

If no one wants to play alliance its probably a good thing.

I’m sure someone of you impressive renown and skill winds up carrying horde players all the time too, How would this be any different?

Most major raiding guilds are horde. is it really gonna shatter your fragile pride because you have a pug a DPS, and that person plays a Human?

Vulpera and/or blood elves are now an alliance race.


How would this make Horde players transfer to Alliance?

If you’re on the Horde, then you have much more immediate access to the larger raiding pool. Why would a Horde player that is already happily integrated into a guild decide to swap to Alliance just because “It’s Free”?

There’s no incentive there.

Instead, Horde and Alliance races should be able to play together in PvE. Problem solved.

Mythic+ Groups, Raids, Guilds. Just allow people to team up with any race regardless of faction.

You instantly fix the imbalance, and players no longer have to deal with being limited to 50% of the races in order to play with their friends. A poor design decision that has plagued this game since its inception.


I notice you ignored the part where they get blond hair blue eyed elves.

Sure, but I am not being paid to design their game so… meh.

Because he plays Horde, the most popular faction that’s growing by the day.

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Why would that convince existing, happy players, in Horde guilds, to leave their friends and their guild to play on the Alliance.

That would be completely ineffective. Because people who want to play High Elves are on the Horde, and most of the Guilds are on the Horde.

They already have friends and reasons to stay Horde.

Alternatively you could get rid of the divide entirely, allowing existing Horde players to play as the Alliances races, and still be around their friends and guild

Problem solved, no hearts broken, no guilds destroyed.

Nobody likes having to choose between playing with their friends, or playing the race they want.


Then why is there always a high elves thread in the top 20 or so active threads on these forums? Idk why but people seem to want their arion elves to be alliance. :man_shrugging:

No thanks. That has been a pillar or warcraft from pre wow and I would hate to see it go.

Did you play Warcraft 3? The Various races of Azeroth all stood together as one, to defend Mt. Hyjal

That Faction divide sure was integral then, huh?
When you have Human, Orc, and Night Elf bases all next to eachother to stop Archimonde.

“Integral to the universe” Lol. This expansion was about the War and wound up teaming up by the end of it. Thrall and Jaina literally held hands. Anduin Carried saurfang’s body and gave a speech in Ogrimmar.

I’m not sure you’ve been playing the same game.

Also on the Topic of High Elves. Most people in the game currently play as High Elves. They play them on the Horde, they’re called Blood Elves. But they’re from this place you might have heard of called “Quel’Thalas”

Then why is there constant forum spam about wanting high elves on alliance? Because no one wants them?

Personally I don’t but to say there isn’t a desire for it is just silly.

Here incase scrolling down like 15 threads was too hard here is a link to a thread with over 3500 posts about high elves being taken to alliance for You. It also has links to a discord and other threads and that’s only in the op. High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Yea let’s look to bfa as a shining light of what makes this games player base happy. /s

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Alright here we go:

But what about that time in Warcraft 3 we worked together at Hyjal.

But what about that Time in Vanilla, when Thrall wanted to rescue Moira Bronzebeard in order to establish terms of peace with the Alliance

But what about the time in Vanilla we Worked together with the Cenarion Enclave in order to hold back forces from Ahn’quiraj

What about that time in BC we attacked the Black Temple with the help of the Broken.

What about that time BC where we defended the Sunwell from the Legion

What about that time in Wrath Where we died Side by Side at the Wrathgate

What about that time in Wrath we worked together with Brann Bronzebeard to save the World from Titan re-origination?

What about that time in Cataclysm where we realized fighting on the Twilight Highlands lined up directly with Cho’Gall’s plan?

What about that time in Cataclsym where we Time Traveled to all those other times we teamed up in order to stop the Infinite dragons?

What about that time in Cataclysm where we stopped Deathwing with the aid of the Alliance and Horde fleet, and the Dragonflights?

What about that Time in Pandaria when we worked together to help contain the Mantid and the Sha?

What about that Time in Pandaria when we sieged Orgrimmar as one, united army to stop Garrosh?

What about that Time in Draenor we worked together to close the Dark Portal, completely forgetting about our racial differences as Green skinned orcs, and Draenei alike?

What about that time in Draenor we stopped Garrosh (again)

What about the time in Draenor we stopped Guldan?

Or that time in Legion we worked together with the druids to cleanse the Emerald Nightmare?

Or that time in Legion we attacked the Nighthold and stopped Gul’dan again?

Or that time in Legion we attacked Argus as one United army? The concordance of Legionfall, with a flag and everything?

Or that Time in Nazjatar, where Jaina, Genn, Lorthemar, and Thallysra worked together to stop Azshara?

Or that time Thrall and Jaina literally held hands?

Or that time RIGHT NOW where you can go into the “Sanctuary” in the chamber of Heart and be marked as the same faction as everyone else?

So do you hate BFA because we teamed up? Or do you just hate all of WoW, since it’s about teaming up.

But I actually want to team up with my friends who like different races? And that’s too far?

That faction divide sure is Integral.


I think we’ve taken WoW, with an unhealthy dose of 90s cartoon of hardcore TV tropes too seriously. We need to see what it is and understand the futility of our diatribes. Blizz probably has WoWs story in all it’s goofy loyalty to its protagonists fleshed out for the next 50 years.

I’ll use a weak resource as example:

“But in fictionland, sometimes this is taken to its natural extreme- not only is the school divided, but those divides decide everything in the school. The cliques don’t mingle, and when they do, it’s to antagonize each other, with each group seeing all the others in a negative light.”

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thats easy, nerf horde racials their obviously better than alliance racials

Have Tyrande/Elune permakill all hordies that won’t join the alliance.

Make murlocs a playable race on alliance.

Add a little toggle to LFG/LFR/Grouping that allows cross faction grouping (that turns off warmode while in group). Nothing else needs to change. It’s completely optional. And it would help a number of problems.

They could even come up with a similar system to allow cross faction guild alliances. Again, nothing outside instances needs to change.


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I reject your task Mr Taskman. You cannot herd cats! :grinning:

If I did “fix” it not many people would like it.

Participation imbalance is NOT the same as faction imbalance. But yes, something needs to be done. I still maintain that PvE cross-faction grouping should be allowed.

Allow people from both factions to group up to raid and do dungeons and allow free transfers from Horde to Alliance.

Many people are swapping because the Horde’s population is more competitive, remove faction restrictions and people will play what they want to play without the consequence of “neutering” themselves based on faction choice

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