So a Gap Closer doesn’t matter? A warrior would maintain their clear times if they lose their gap closer? Cuz thar sounds like what you’re trying to allude to.
But that borrowed power gave Warrior even more of your beloved godlike mobility! So why wasn’t Protection dominant across the board with so much of that sheer uncontained mobility?
Yes actually I am fully confident that warriors could/would still be top dogs without factoring in their mobility into the equation at all. Warriors are good because they do massive DPS and are passively tanky AF. Their mobility is just icing on the cake. This is easily proven because warriors HAD all this uber mobility in past expansions/seasons and were NOT considered top dogs (and, in fact, were considered bottom tier ALONG with DKs in S1 specifically which was dubbed the “kite meta”).
In fact, DKs ONLY became good in SL when we got tier powers…in case you don’t know (and I am confident you don’t), the DK tier sets had NOTHING to do with mobiluty…it was like 80% DPS and 20% defensive in nature…EVERYTHING hinged on DRW and maintaining uptime on it. You were a pile of tissue paper without it since everything from our legendary to tier powers all revolved around it. In fact, Kyrian became the dominant covenant simply because it gave us massive damage and DR that could spread and a rune refresh that could be used on another heart strike (which became 3 heart strikes) over the previous slappy hands which just helped us with bone shield uptime/generation.
Edit - Stop trying to pretend massive DPS disparities aren’t the singular biggest reason why tanks (and DPS) are or are not meta. Utility can only get you so far. Mobility will only get you so far. Being able to efficiently kill things and/or survive otherwise unsurviable things consistently is the biggest factors bar none.
Why bother posting about the relevance of class mobility when you fundamentally seem to misunderstand it’s mechanics, and then respond to them explaining it with a mild snarky remark, purely focusing on that remark?