I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

Ive never personally attacked you, other than calling you ignorant and misinformed.
Also my arguments arent “strawman”, they’re objective facts supported by data.

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So Protection didn’t have Charge in Shadowlands? Is that what you’re saying?

You forgot Gap Closer. But I forgive you for intentionally ignoring all the benefits Prot brings as it would hurt your point.

idc if paladins getting a leap
only thing they had was the charger

Once again.

Bad faith argument.

Personal attacks

Putting words in my mouth.

You aren’t even trying. You’re just waving a white flag as you grasp for a straw.

Are you saying Protection didn’t have Charge in Shadowlands? What about BFA? What about Legion?

Or are you admitting that Charge is not the determining factor in Prot’s current dominance as a tank in M+?

Its a waste of time typing to this guy, he’s just deflecting.
He doesnt understand what becomes meta in raids/m+ as far as a tank goes, and it shows.
He cant understand that Blood DK in previous 2 seasons was picked and still had no mobility.

Yes you did and the facts contradict you.

The fact that you didn’t see your aggressive personal attacks, that are all unearranted, as such is sad.

Toxicity seems to have been hammered into you. Especially when you’ve been proven wrong constantly and try to pretend you didn’t make the statements that you did.

I don’t see where they attacked you.

Their point seemed to be, warrior has utility where DK doesn’t (charge/leap). DK has utility where warrior doesn’t (AMS). Different classes are different. It’s always been this way.

She’s right.

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Name calling. Calling me a troll. Putting words in my mouth. Insulting my intelligence.

One even called me stupid multiple times in numerous posts.

Did you just… not read any of their posts?

She’s also wrong and loves ignoring the benefits of a gap closer.

Holy moly, am I on Twitter right now?

DK’s were the Meta in Season 3 and Season 4 of Shadowlands with the same lack of moblility. It’s like Mobiity has very little to do what’s favored or not.

You would use Elon’s twitter.

Prot had Charge in Shadowlands, BFA and Legion. So why was it not the dominant tank across the board in all of those expansions? Could that possibly be because Charge ISN’T the determining factor of tank value? :thinking:

also Death’s Advance we get 2 charges 45 sec cd for blood
Wings of Liberty 45 sec cd dont now about the charges
same with heroic leap 45 sec cd same with charges dont know

so blood dks are not mad

That’s incorrect.

Mobility plays a part. The fact you think it doesn’t make me have questions.

I intentionally shortened your list since “gap closer” is exactly 0% of why prot warriors are current kings. Like it or not, but the past is perfectly relevant to bring up. Warriors had double charge and heroic leap in SL…yet why wasn’t prot warriors top dogs back then (hint: it was DHs and bears)?

I pug quite a bit and I don’t have issues with DPS running ahead of me and pulling. Once you get high enough, DPS aren’t these stupid double digit IQ players the forums like to meme about. They make mistakes sure, but everyone does but you start doing double digit key levels and people know you let the tank get the first smacks or the mob hitting you back is going to smack you back hard enough for your ancestors to feel it.

Plus if you are tanking a dungeon more or less properly, you’re moving to packs as you finish up your current pack and you, as the tank, are pulling and setting it up as DPS finish up the stragglers. This gives you plenty of time to establish initial aggro and get mobs positioned as you want them so DPS can use their procs and/or roll their damage without worrying about pulling. There is plenty of time on my warrior my charge charges are available and not actively being used so all that wasted “mobility” is not factoring in at all in what am doing.


Once again, bringing up irrelevant old stuff that was patched and had borrowed power.

You can’t seem to focus on the now and a season without borrowed power.

Which isnt why keys are being timed right now.
Nor even last expansion.

Tell me man, what’s the highest key you’ve done this expansion?

Borrowed power gave Protection even MORE MOBILITY! So how was Protection not the utterly dominant tank across all three of those expansions with so much borrowed power boosting their mobility?