Says the one who thinks Death’s Advance is equivalent to a Charge or Leap.
Trying to win an argument by just yelling “I’M RIGHT I’M RIGHT” doesn’t make you right, nor does it mean your point is valid.
Until you accept the truth of my statements, I don’t accept a damned thing you say.
Death’s Advance is amazing.
DPS tend to be go for what is easier. Gap closer tanks are faster and let them pewpew eaelier and faster.
You sure love misinterpreting what people say, dont you?
I’ve never said that this entire thread.
I said it was an option they have.
Dont be a clown.
For ignoring mechanics.
As a gap closer it’s not comparable to a Charge or Leap.
If you’re bad enough of a DPS player to think somebody needs to bring a gap closer to prevent your death, I’d be glad to never touch a key that you’re in.
Yes you literally did. Maybe cool your head and read your post before replying?
Cuz your constant personal attacks and incorrect statements are uncalled for.
Cheers, you’re ignoring the point.
Please don’t describe yourself in such a manner.
I am actually happy for our paladin brothers to receive new mobility .
Being unable to be slowed below 70-100% movespeed is fine enough in my eyes. plus we have utility to bring stuff closer to us and Death walk to gap close or escape.
No I’m not. I’m explaining to you how DOS work and why Prot is picked over DK in every tanking content.
Imagine a world where all classes arent going to be the exact same and have different utilities and abilities?
You just want every tank class to do the exact same thing?
There are trade offs for everything.
Blood DK is great in Temple of Jade Serpent over Prot Warrior.
They can practically ignore alot of mechanics with anti magic shell.
Not every class is going to have the same form of utility.
I can shorten your list down for you.
Massive damage
Minimal damage intake
This is why prot is king and really it is point 1 is primarily why ANY tank is king. You only need enough defensiveness to survive. Warriors would not be dominant if their DPS was cut in half but they kept their current survivability.
I mean, you’re the one that thinks you’re going to get killed if you run with a tank that lacks a gap closer, not me.
So why was Blood picked for two entire full seasons over Prot by a landslide? Why was DH picked over Prot by a landslide before that?
Imagine a world where you could refrain from personal attacks and strawman arguments.
Exactly, I dont know why this is a hard concept to understand.
It is great time to play a paladin both in WOTLK Classic AND retail.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone though as they are chosen by the light.
Not in DF.
You keep bringing up old content that is irrelevant to the here and now. It weakens whatever point you were trying to make.
That and your constant personal attacks.
Sorry, I’ll clarify. You’re ignoring my point.