You tried to be civil, so I’ll give you a pat on the back even if you missed the mark.
Since you’re too lazy to click it, I’ll highlight what he’s talking about!
-Timing high keys. +16s
-8/8 Normal, 6/8 Heroic
-1486 HKs
-And to boot, I checked his IO, 2008 score.
So come on, tell me why he has no credentials to contribute to this conversation. I’ll wait.
Please point out exactly how my profile doesn’t. Either the raid or mythic+.
Like I legit feel bad for you. I feel like I’m picking on someone mentally challenged in some way. I do not understand how you can be this obtuse and can justifiably say the things you say that are so easily factually disproven.
Doesn’t give him credence nor excuse his behavior.
I’m not sure when I said a gap closer wasn’t wanted, but you seem to be more interested in arguing with multiple people than discussing things in a constructive manner.
That said, if they added a battle res to the Warrior talent tree, then surely every competent Warrior would pick that talent, right?
But that still doesn’t match up with the Warrior class fantasy or theme.
Someone doesn’t get sarcasm. You really need to stop. You have no actual clue what you are talking about. You keep doubling down on your wrong views, and refuse to listen to actual tanks. Seriously, just stop and stop making yourself look this bad.
Ah. You avoided the other part.
You know I’m right.
If Death Knights had a gap closer in their talent tree then they would grab it. Even you.
It shows he plays the class, unlike you, for one.
For two, he’s been civil this entire time. You’re the one who escalated it. You’ve proven throughout this entire thread that you’re nothing more than a child who didn’t get his way.
So if Death Knights had a talent Gap Closer you believe that it wouldn’t be popular and a must have pick?
Uh this is wrong. My group killed Broodkeeper on heroic as of yesterday. I don’t know why it didn’t show. I was the add tank who, by some miracle, was able to find some mystical way to make it to all the adds in time to pick them up and keep them away from the boss. Clearly I haxxored the game since only warriors, which we didn’t even have (save for my alt one), can ever hope to do adds I guess.
No he hasn’t been civil, honey.
Such selective memory.
He has insulted me numerous times and has admitted that he cannot and won’t be civil.
And more personal insults. How childish.
Dude, really, just shut the maw up. You really really really need to listen to people that know subjects better than you and stop being Dunning Kruegar personified.
And he brings out the misogyny wow.
Can’t be civil can you?
Answer the question.
If Death Knights had a talent Gap Closer it would be popular and a high pick or would it not?
Go on.
For one, don’t degrade me with “honey.”
Two, don’t go coming onto my thread because you’re mad about your’s being a circus with you as the clown.
You’re cute the angry one, aren’t you?
I complimented you even after your constant insults.
Oh? You get a say who posts where when you’ve been so uncivil in my topic? Funny.
Next he’s going to call me a “Dirty feminist!” I’m just waiting for it.
It depends entirely on what it is competing with and/or I’d have to give up to get it. For class fantasy though, I am against having it. DKs are, thematically, meant to be the slow but otherwise unstoppable force. We make YOU come to US. I’m quite happy/satisfied with my mobility package.
I can assure you though that I avoided the torghast power turning my death grip into a gripped even when it came with the kinda nifty/useful mass stun.
The BDK in my guild never seems to have issues with mobility. Maybe you just need to practice.
Not to a misogynist. No. Trust me champ, I was being civil for me. You want to see non-civil? I don’t mind another forum ban bud.
No. Body. Cares. you have ruined your own argument by being a giant turd burglar, insulting someone, degrading them, and being a toxic dill hole.