I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

Not for picking up the adds.

A warrior would be far superior choice as they can instantly grab the adds and pull them away from the boss.

I have a friend who plays DK tank and is able to do Diurna well on normal because she knows how the fight goes. You kite the adds towards the next set, and WW/DA as needed. And adds don’t spawn on her, near her during some eggs if the pathing is wonky, but my DK friend is able to do it consistently well. Don’t know what you’re trying to prove here, as all the DKs in the thread have unanimously agreed you’re pretty much wrong.

And with that, I take my leave once more.

You are just beyond hopeless. I’m the add tank for my group and I’d MUCH rather add tank than deal with a mechanic that guts my healing received. You know which class CAN deal with that better than me? A warrior who can both shield block (which can crit block absorbing more of the raw damage) and stack ignore pain.

Oh wait…but how was it even possible for me to get from add point to add point in time to pick up adds? Certainly wasn’t thanks to my multiple speed boosts and the fact I can move in advance to the next point while staying clear of the boss

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A warrior does it way better and easier.

Doesn’t mean DKs still can’t do it fine. Are you just a warrior main posting on an alt? Or genuine concern for the class when nobody else seems to share that concern? Respond to me on your DK, and maybe, just MAYBE, people will begin to give credence to your arguments.

I don’t need your credentials considering your arrogance, passive aggressiveness, personal insults, bad faith arguments, and putting words in my mouth.

The fact that you cannot remain civil and curb the insults tells me all I need to know about you.

At least I have credentials. I can only believe, at this point, you’re just trolling for attention considering you’re ignoring anyone making actual points and deflecting non stop.

Like really? You want to argue DKs should be the one tanking the boss over adds on a boss who frequently hits you like a semi truck AND reduces your healing received massively over 10 seconds over a warrior who literally can block the majority of the raw damage and has a DR designed to help ride out that period? That boss screams anti DK and yet YOUR take is “warriors do adds cause warriors can get there faster”…like what the actual frick.


Idk, with how many mechanics they get to ignore thanks to IBF or AMS i don’t think they’re that mad.

Not sure i’m happy to see more mobility creep in the game tbh.

Then your argument is moot, it’s simple. You’ve not addressed anyone’s input, you simply respond by saying they’re being rude to you and saying insults to you. No constructive feedback given, no constructive feedback taken. When you finally respond to people’s input, stop throwing a tantrum, and perhaps respond on your Dk, then perhaps you’ll be taken seriously.

This guy has proven nothing except that he’s got a fundamental misunderstanding of the class, and can’t debate anyone if his life depended on it. It’s so funny peeping back here occasionally, just with the consideration that maybe he’d grow up and learn from his mistakes, respond to feedback in a way that’s vital to the conversation, and will perhaps even show his DK to prove he might have weight in the argument.

Instead all I see is a child who tried to get DKs and Paladins fighting, and when both were against him, he stamped his feet on the ground and cried because we saw right through him.

Meh, not really. Death Knights aren’t meant to be amazing athletes like Warriors and Paladins. We’re meant to be sturdy, powerful, and terrifying like Jason Voorhees or Darth Vader.

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You really don’t. You want people to take your word that you do.


There are many reasons you could be casting: sustaining breath, popping wounds while on the move with clawing shadows, casting DC, and so on.

And yes you don’t have to cast these skills, but there is no other movement ability (except gap closers which id say don’t count) that stops you from casting or otherwise doing something else simultaneously with a spell.

Very bassackwards design.

Nice little circle you got there. Cannot address me directly anymore so need a little therapy session?

Anyone can click me and see my profile and verify if I have credentials or not.

I would say nice try, but that would be a lie. It was a try, I’ll give you that at least.

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That isn’t the only thing you are saying that is wrong, and you know it. Stop trying to pretend you are a victim

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Then a compromise.

Add a gap closer to the talent tree. If it isn’t wanted then no DK will ever pick it, right?

Something tells me every competent DK will pick it up.

Glad to see you respond to a post not responding to you but rather discussing this thread in its’ entirety instead of the actual post responding to you.
Go ahead, keep trying, you’re sure to get something right one day!

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Only you don’t. Your profile doesn’t support anything you’ve said.

I bet if DKs got a gap closer in their talent tree that every competent DK would recommend it.

That alone proves you wrong.

Hey let’s be fair. He can type mostly right.

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