I see that you’ve avoided the question.
Honey is a degrading term when a man is being confronted by women. But how can I expect you to have any self awareness when you’re being told by people who play a class that your take is wrong.
And then, to boot, you come onto my post and start trying to make it a negative place when I quite literally made it to be a positive portion of the GD discussions today.
Champ? Ah, look at you.
You accuse me of one thing yet address me as your Champ?
No, I just take the time to provide constructive responses.
Didn’t you call me a troll, talk behind my back in ny topic, and constantly insult me?
Sorry, but you don’t get to be the victim here after your actions.
That is so rich coming from you. If there was an award for dodging questions, you’d be the world champion given this thread alone.
Yet you didn’t answer my question.
You have no issue making false accusations and insulting me though.
Na they team up with monks who give them tigers lust all the time.
HA! Pot meet the kettle, my god. And I did call you a troll, as well as many others in here! Because if the shoe fits, wear it. Talk behind your back? No, no I didn’t. I was responding to someone else, is there a desire for constant attention built into you? And as for the insults, the claws didn’t come out until you decided to try and degrade me by being a misogynist.
So you’re saying that DKs wouldn’t pick up a gap closer talent? That it wouldn’t be highly recommended and popular?
Say it in the mic.
I see you avoided a shower for the week again. Your point?
ROFL no, you are no ones champ, but yes I am degrading you since you took it upon yourself to degrade someone with your Misogyny.
I already did. You should go back and reread it (along with all the other stuff I said). You might actually learn something.
But please do continue to evade better than a rogue who popped evasion.
I wouldn’t take it
Glad that you’ve come clean.
And yes you did talk behind my back. Complaining about me with another user that has constantly insulted me as if I wasn’t there. Then saying they didn’t when they admitted multiple times to it. It’s childish.
An applogy is in order now. I’ll wait.
I take back the he can type statement.
definitely taking it back.
My hygiene is unknown to you.
But I can see why you won’t answer because that answer hurts your stance.
Dude, I am likely states away and I can smell the taint funk from here. Everyone knows it.
When you apologize for being a misogynistic prick I’ll apologize for…
Looks at notes Responding to someone discussing your behavior? Yeah, no nevermind. You’re a lost cause bud, grow up and learn that you’re wrong and maybe you’ll earn some respect.
Being civil must not exist where you’re from.
I forgive you.
You just weren’t taught better.
Let’s stop giving this guy the time of day and discuss something fun.
What’s your favorite candy bar? Mine’s AlmondJoy