I'm Staying With WoW

Copium is the new ripcord.


lol it’s just new internet slang for a re-post basically. Pronounced exactly how it’s spelled.

Apparently if you don’t know what it means then you’re deemed a 65+ year old though.


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it’s like you described WoW but then called another game bad for doing the same.

Fanboys for $500 please

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nah people have started using “copium” to describe WoW players around here that are insisting the game is doing fine, they don’t need any of the FF14 players here, WoW isn’t dying and will never die, etc.

like 0pium + coping = copium (sorry apparently the first word is too naughty for the forums)


Ah okay, that makes a lot more sense then. Seems pretty accurate of the the die-hard defenders of WoW that think nothing is wrong with the game too lol that’s pretty funny. I just thought it was a new thing because of all the FF14 hype.

It’s weird to think about the great friends I’ve met in-game over the years who played or were playinng FF, never once was there ever any dilemma between the two games, but I guess now with the current state of WoW, there are a lot more players who are really outspoken from both sides…one side advocating that WoW is perfect and the other side saying that FF14 is the “true WoW killer.” It’s all been blown a little out of proportion imho but that’s just me.

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Copium was a word that was invented after Trump lost the last election and referred to all of his outlandish claims about election fraud and the election being stolen.

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In WoW you pick one Class to commit to on your character.

You cannot change classes and preserve the progress you have made on that character.

I Have no Idea what you’re talking about.
FF14 and WoW have different mechanics, that means some people will like one more than the other…

I’m not gen z, I was just stating they’re the future :man_shrugging:t3:

You sound incredibly dim witted.

Oh alright then. So I’m not a boomer and you’re not Gen Z. Alas we have found common ground.

How you can come to that conclusion based off of a sentence I typed online is the true display of a dim wit. Also, I’m honored you picked me to respond to as your one forum post. <3


I’m staying with WoW too. I do try other games here and there. I’ve tried Guild Wars, SWTOR, ESO, Warframe, Destiny 2, and even GTAO and RDO. All good games for different reasons. All had their faults and things I didn’t like as well, or things that just didn’t click with me.

I was even away from WoW playing those other games for about 5 years trying to get the same feel from them that I used to get from playing WoW with friends and family that I’ve played with since vanilla and could never quite find that. So I came back. Weird, disjointed Sylvanas storyline and all. :laughing:

I prefer not to chat on the forums, just lurk but your comment was too much to ignore.

So why ain’t you playing anymore? :thinking:

Yeah, playing a melee class in Final Fantasy is like playing a rogue in World of Warcraft.
It is slow and boring and both only really picks up at later levels.

I guess it is why somepeople prefer playing casters first in FFXIV - not much has changed then.

Oi! Were not that slow.

It is VERY slow in the early levels.

Much like melee classes in Final Fantasy. I have played a rogue in World of Warcraft, and I have played ALL classes and jobs in Final Fantasy XIV. And yes, the feeling is very… very similar. It is slow, damn near tiring in the early levels.

FFXIV have the bonus of having an intriguing story to delve into though, while WoW requires you to turn off your brain completely if you want to survive the early levels, and not die out of boredom.

Maybe i’m missing something, but i just created a new rogue just now and in my global cooldown is 1.00 s and energy regen is 10 per second (Dejacharacterstats). This is without any heirlooms. And Slice and Dice comes around at level 9.

Idk, seems pretty fast in the early levels to me. I mean you’re not going to be facing endgame content at that level, so it shouldn’t matter too much. :man_shrugging:

What can one said about one can be easily applied to other considering their both subjective.

I couldn’t remember my first few quests in FF14 or ever have been intrigued by it tbh.

Sure, so fast.
I have played rogue in the early levels, it is incredibly slow and the same button spamming the early levels. The GCD is completely irrelevant, because in FFXIV the enemies die quicker regardless. It is the exact same feeling between the two.

Nah, too big a skill level in the writing teams in each game. Shadowlands is the ending of a chapter that started back in Warcraft 3, afterall :sweat_smile:

Maybe don’t skip them, and don’t do all the side quests. Some side quests are great, but those are far and few in between.

Well tell me the GCD you start out with in FF14, as well the resource regens over there without their heirloom equivalents, and we can make a decision.

It is if you’re complaining about it how slow it is, because that’s a big contributor other then attack speed.

The skill level of the writing teams isn’t really relevant, considering what you consider what you find interesting and/or not is subjective anyways. I mean what somebody finds interesting or not doesn’t make it good or bad really because it is simply a subjective opinion.

I didn’t actually skip them. I sat down and read them at the time. (because there was no voice acting, but thankfully more visual camera angles and such, ala SWTOR) Without looking at a video of these first few quests i couldn’t tell you what happened, outside of the weird space dream intro after i made my character that reminded me the intro to Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain for just how bizarre it was, and that intro of a giant world destroying dragon thingy destroying the world and it got reborn.

I guess Deathwing didn’t enjoy the initial launch of FF14. /j

I would love too, but XP.

The GCD in FFXIV is higher, at this point I actually forget how much though, but it is higher. The reason I say it is irrelevant is because enemies die faster in FFXIV. So the feel is pretty much the same regardless. In WoW you can spam your one button faster the first 10 levels, but you do so for longer.

FFXIV combat in the later levels does give the feeling of being faster though, because unlike WoW, not all damage-relevant abilities are on the GCD. You will weave in some of the off-GCD (or OGCD) damaging abilities in between your your GCD abilities, which gives a constant flourish of you pressing buttons and doing damage, and it also creates a flourish of animations for your character. Making it feel and look signficantly faster than World of Warcraft… if it is not faster, haven’t really timed it.

Granted… the first MSQ quests in FFXIV are just simple world building, telling you more about the zone and people in which you start. I can certainly see how that is indeed less interesting. The more interesting stuff comes once you get properly introduced to the main protagonists of the first chapter of the FFXIV story. That is later down the line of A Realm Reborn.

And yeah, Bahamut (Deathwing) was rather livid after having been trapped in a giant “moon”, so when he finally was released from that prison he just wanted to destroy everything.

Side quests in FFXIV don’t really give any exp that is worth anything. The MSQ (Main scenario questline) is enough to level two if not three different classes/jobs to max. One can do some of the side quests for some emotes, a fun little side story or some gear for a second class/job.