I'm Staying With WoW

Well fine enough.

As opposed to being actually faster? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Out of GCDā€™s are fine and dandy, but if the GCD is still 1 second, ehhā€¦

Okay ignoring the subjective ā€œflourishā€ here, what iā€™m getting is, FF14 allows you to push more buttons here.

I mean, personally i donā€™t see it too much of an objective quality if the game as more or less buttons, as long the system works with polish and itā€™s fun and all, thatā€™s pretty much it.

From what little iā€™ve experienced on FF14, even if half of the damage dealing abilities i have are off GCD, it would be pretty samey personally.

Ehh, i donā€™t feel too bad just honestly stopping there before getting to the interesting point, because quite frankly to me, first impressions to me matter. And if the 2 hours arenā€™t great, iā€™m not going to keep going on.

Call it silly, but iā€™m not obligated to keep on playing to see if it gets interesting if i didnā€™t find the initial starting hours to be any good. Especially since the common defense for these sorts of games is ā€œIt gets better 100 hours inā€ā€¦ I rather spend that 100 hours in a game i already know i like, not to just try the game out.

Huh, so thatā€™s what the name was. :thinking:

Alright, fine enough. I always the sort to go for the side stuff to see what kind of stuff i get before moving on like toys or weapons and etcā€¦ in addition of XP of coarse.

I blame Spyro and Ubisoft games for conditioning me to do that. :tired_face:

As mentioned, I have not really been sitting with a stop watch timer to count how long it takes to burn a mob down, nor is it really relevant. The fact that you are constantly pressing something and the character is constantly ā€œdancingā€ makes it feel faster.

It is extremely different down the line, it wonā€™t at all be much the same.

I absolutely agree. Even I get bored with the starting levels of a new class in FFXIV - when I level up a secondary class I no longer have the MSQ to keep me entertained, by then I have to rely on the boring early level combat in order to level up. The class/job quests can sometimes be entertaining, but some of them are indeed boring.

So yes, it is my hope that Yoshi P and crew come up with some kind of idea that makes the starting levels more entertaining. Right now it is only when you hit level 50, that the jobs start getting interesting. That is the end of the base game, basically. A dragoon only gets really interesting to play once you hit 60 and have all those abilities, and that is at the end of the first FFXIV expansion.

The early game of FFXIV is a HUGE problem, especially without the Main Scenario Questline.

So far all I have seen planned for the next 10 year of FFXIV (aside from releasing new stories and raids of course, and expansions), is adding better graphics (Higher resolution, better lighting) and some updates to better support more solo play in FFXIV (atleast in the MSQ). Havenā€™t seen everything they plan, I do not remember if that was all.

But I hope theyā€™ll do something to change the combat, atleast in early levels.

ā€¦Okay then.

ā€¦Iā€™m glad you understand that. So many people think you have to put so many hours into an MMO before you get to decide you hate it (but totally fine with you liking it right away even if you donā€™t put in many hours), A, an average joe would care less about doing because their not a reviewer, and B, first impressions matter.

And iā€™m not being inconsistent when i say that, if you say for example, dislike WoWā€™s intro and turned off from playing it any further, thatā€™s fine too. I want both first impressions to be really good. Heck, kind of a reason why iā€™m critical of Exileā€™s Reach, but thatā€™s another story.

As one certain MMO YouTuber once said (ala Bariā€™s butchered quote version because i canā€™t remember what exactly Josh Strife Hayes said)ā€¦ ā€œBring the good stuff earlier instead of 100 hours laterā€.

Luckily I too played WoW for years on end before I played FFXIV, so I am used to the boring start. I also did play FFXIV previously and quit two days later about three times, until I finally gave it a proper try the fourth time. I basically treated it like WoW, which ended up being the problem.

My son talked me into trying it, but the vendor stopped selling new log ins due to the long server queues. So I kept playing WoW.

FFXIV has a much better story and lore to it than wow, wow has better gameplay while lacking any story that matters. who ever is writing wow needs to be fired.

At some point I started feeling like it was very much the same, FFXIV being slower (unless you played a rogue in WoW, probably before the level squish, havenā€™t really played one after level squish where you probably get your abilities quicker - but before that the slowness felt the same) but becoming increasingly faster than WoW as you level up and gain more abilities.

It is tab-targetting, but instead of a freeform kind of ability use, FFXIV makes use of combos. It is not vastly different, the largest different lies in how active you have to play. In WoW you get a momentary rest in between each ability use as everything is on a GCD. In FFXIV you will, at about level 50, be constantly clicking buttons because some of your damaging abilities ARE NOT on the long GCD, so by end game you will be using three damaging abilities within the span of 1.5 seconds, while at the same time having to keep focused and look out for boss mechanics if you are doing the trials and raids.

It is the same kind of gameplay but different, really hard to say which one is different though. I feel like FFXIVs combat absolutely do suck in the beginning though, that much is true. But comparing the two gamesā€™ combat at the endgame I prefer FFXIVs over WoWā€™s.

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