I tried FF14. WoW is better.
Now, excuse me. I need my copium.
I tried FF14. WoW is better.
Now, excuse me. I need my copium.
Can I have your gold?
It was easy for me to write off FF14.
It’s slower.
The classes only Fulfill one role each.
You don’t have to commit to any of the classes, instead you’re a shapeshifting demigod that can do anything at once.
Traditional JRPG aesthetic.
One thing that I’m curious on.
What do the FF community blame long DPS queues on?
Don’t know! I play Tanks.
Another reason I didn’t enjoy FF14. None of the Tanks caught my attention.
I wouldnt even know if its a good game or not.
The hour intro of talking to NPCs was enough to turn me off it
I have no interest in even trying FF14. I’m perfectly happy with WoW.
Even if I wasn’t perfectly happy with WoW, I doubt FF14 would be WoW’s replacement for me.
Not enough healer and tank jobs. Tank-xiety. Healers not having an interesting enough damage rotation (which is silly imo).
So basically the same complaints as WoW, just reskinned for the job system instead of the class one.
Good to see some things are universal.
people in all MMOs just want to have no responsibilities and see some big juicy numbers on their screen
although if you spend a day with a dps meter running you’ll find out that the vast majority of players in 14 are actually super awful and won’t be seeing any big numbers regardless because they’re using some random homemade dps rotation and won’t AoE on trash
You don’t have to leave WoW for FF14. You can just leave WoW and spare yourself from those toxic relationship
Oh yeah, that’s absolutely the core reason regardless of the game.
I’m just curious on what their scapegoat was since the concept of “pure DPS” don’t actually exist in FF.
Yeah…The “no DPS meters are good akshully” argument makes me less likely to ever try FF14.
I have no interest in investing long-term in a game in which so much of the community is completely uninterested in improving or even learning the basics.
<-- Sticking with WoW too, always. Tried Final Fantasy once years ago and had found it extremely dull, and kinda confusing.
Of course I’m not a WoW-only player either, Steam is fun af, and other games too. Console games as well! Gotta spice it up.
I think people are confusing the ability to have all the classes on one character and wanting to play all the classes. Basically instead of alts you can do everything on one character but you still have to level and gear that class up. If you don’t like playing as a healer or tank then you just play as the dps class. The only think you can blame long dps queues is on the players that do not want the responsibility of being the tank or healer. Which is the same as on WoW.
Enjoy your mmorpg on railway tracks. Next stop chapter 3. Prepare to disembark for 15 minutes before we move to the next stop chapter 4 estimated arrival in 1 weeks time.
LOL that was actually funny. Even without the “OH” lol.
I’m good at coping.
for me personally, i have everything leveled to 80 and everything but tankxiety is what keeps me from maining one. been playing the game for 6 years and know most dungeons by heart but i still can’t do it
we’ve been seeing some waves in the community lately too(at least online) because of tanks. everyone seems to be split pretty evenly into two groups, one who thinks the tank should be able to pull at their own pace, especially if they’re new, and one who thinks it’s ok for dps/heals to start pulling for the tank to push them along if they’re going too slow. i imagine seeing things like that tend to push some people away from the role
A million times better.
Multi times better.