I'm Staying With WoW

I’m just waiting for New World. Watched recent pvp videos and seems like there will be open world pvp in that game so sign me up! That’s the thing that hurt me the most in this game considering wpvp was always my end game from Tbc to WoD than legion removed world defense followed up with BFA killing wpvp and rivals on Emerald Dream with Warmode… I just have no reason to invest time in gear if there’s nothing to do after that. Arena and rbgs are instanced based pvp and im not a fan of that after doing the same ones for years.


:rofl: Dress-up barbie! That’s pretty funny. I will admit that the game has gotten a lot more about identity and cosmetics, a farcry from when the game was made by gamers for gamers. Unfortunately for you my dude, you missed out on a lot of the glory days of WoW, and if you’re just starting in Shadowlands then you are really seeing the game in a very miserable state. If you had of started in Vanilla/TBC/Wrath, your feels for the game would be completely different. I am a long time “WoW vet” and Shadowlands doesn’t come close to how fun this game USED to be.

Random sidenote, probably unpopular opinion but I think the word ‘cringe’ is :face_vomiting: Growing up I heard people use “cring-worthy” sparingly, but these days it’s as if someone’s opinion that might be different than your’s is immediately ‘cringe.’ Like, no, it’s not cringe-worthy… your lack of vocabulary is ‘cringe.’ (Not you specifically; in general.)

Actually I’ve been playing since Vanilla. I even have Benediction / Anathema on my Priest. I’ve kinda been checked out of SL though. Didn’t even log in for 9.1. It’s one of those things ya know, I miss Wow but I don’t miss SL.


First i was like :rofl: :joy:

Then i was like

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie

Yeah, their tank classes are pretty fun and their community doesn’t loose their mind if you mess something up. I’m a gunbreaker, so I have a sword that is also a gun.

Never run into that long of queues as DPS on FFXIV. WoW’s wait time dwarfs any wait times over FFXIV :rofl: :joy:

I’m not getting the big “FFXIV is great we must gain more WoW players”. Its cool if people like it. I do not. I haven’t left WoW for good in over 12 years. If I was to leave it would be for something a bit newer and with less rainbows.


I am going to guess that you are the poster above named Obvioús?

I get exactly where you’re coming from and it’s completely understandable. I’ve been losing a lot of friends from WoW these past few expansions, really starting with Legion… Same systems, different dress up. A lot of friends/guildies were just starting to get tired of the same grinds. Grinding something like Anathema, now that was definitely worth it because it was fun. So far Legion, BFA and Shadowlands each feel like we’re utilizing the same borrowed power systems, and many, many players are fed up with it.

*Shadowlands being the worst. (imo)

I tried it for like an hour and it just seems boring and slow. The wow graphics, story, themes etc are more interesting to me…

Lately I haven’t been hearing that term very often, I still hear it but not like I did before in the recent past. It’s kind of weird how these trendy words are a thing for a short time then almost disappear. Soon enough we’ll stop hearing “copium” for the most part, just like we don’t hear “player agency” anymore. lol

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Man, look at all these little insecure WoW fanboys enjoying their cyrclejirk in their safespace…


Same ffxiv feels clunky to me, I can see why people like it but its just not for me.


Healers and tanks are not as fun. Also not everyone grinds out every roll.

Many people will have 2 or more dps only jobs.

Same as wow. Healing and tanking for most people isn’t as fun.

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Based on all the responses, I’m glad I didn’t get past the character creation screen. It sounds absolutely dreadful.

I’d rather watch Saw III and I pass out at the site of gore.

Believe me, FFXIV players are also glad you never made it pass the character creation screen…

And it’s very funny that in your other thread, you criticize the story… EVEN THOUGH YOU JUST ADMITTED TO NOT EVEN PLAY IT…


In my other thread, you’ll see that I watched someone else play through it, and that I didn’t like it, breh. Do you have to play soccer to know you don’t like the rules?

Sparing me the effort of checking Urban Dictionary/Google… Wtf is Copium? lol

“Copy em”?

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This sounds silly. That be like a FF player saying wow sucked and they are glad they didn’t get passed character creation because racials do not make since.

That said, if the game doesn’t appeal to you, don’t play it.

He probably thought the race lore was the story.

A made up word for copping