I'm sorry, "I had to do it when it was new" is not an excuse to keep Pathfinder for irrelevant content

And that’s kind of my reason for a bit of pause. Even when Blizzard hit on something really great? Or at least a decent idea? It only lasts for maybe one expansion.

I guess you could maybe call them “Gimmicks?” Look at Garrisons. They weren’t the player housing everyone wanted. But what do you do with these garrisons now? Nothing. They were this thing that lasted for the duration of WoD and then they were left behind. They are in these areas that are completely sequestered off from the larger world. Had they made a proper player housing system? They could have continued to build upon it and add to it each expansion. (Like FFXIV). The professions could have then fed into that “player housing” (again like FFXIV). Then with each new expansion and new crafting recipes you get some new things you can make for your house.

That’s what I hope doesn’t happen with Dragonriding. I hope it’s not just a 1 off for this expansion. But I want to see them take what they are doing with Dragonriding and look towards how they can carry that forward in future expansions (even if it doesn’t involve a dragon).


i have read some comment that said IF the player base receives it well that it would go forward most likely into more expansions.
It’ll likely depend on how much hate is happening all expansion.
But honestly, I think 99% of players are going to have a good time with it

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Oh no! The horror! You have to AFK on the ground instead of in the air…

Why do you care if people afk hover? Does it affect you?


I don’t care either way, but I’m pointing out that this particular complaint comes off as angry players looking for a reason to justify their anger.


If it’s something they’ve done and now it’s being taken away, it does affect them. They have every right to be annoyed with it. Just because you personally don’t care, you dismiss and sarcastically make fun of them?

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I did it all when current, and I support just letting everyone fly. Add a vendor where flying is like 10,000g(same cost as the map toys) and if they want it for free they can do the achievements. Seems like a good compromise.


It’s more the thought process of “I’m going to be angry about something, what’s a random thing to be angry about”, instead of “what does this do, how does it do it, and is that good for the health of the game or it’s community”

I’m against starting from your desired conclusion, and working backwards to find the reasoning, instead of looking at the facts and synthesizing the conclusion the facts suggest


I think we’re fine. We don’t need any more limited time junk. We had it longer than they did and earned it organically.

  1. FOMO is a psychological phenomenon called “Fear of missing out,” it’s not an object.
  2. The phrase you’re looking for is “limited time items.”
  3. No.
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I don’t think that’s the case at all. When people enjoy something and that something is taken away, it doesn’t feel too good.

In this particular case there is loads of evidence that flying being available right at max level has no negative impact on the game. It worked like that during the most successful time period the game experienced. I’m not saying it was because of flying but it was successful and had flying available at max level throughout the entire expansion(s).

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It’s not removed. It’ll be there with normal flying when it’s released later, like always.

Oh cool. Can you cite some of it?

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It’s removed “until an undisclosed time in the future”.

Like every other expansion.

Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
Mist of Pandaria

Not early expansions.


Fun fact: hover was removed in those, too, until you could unlock flying again.

So you couldn’t buy flying as soon as you hit max level in BC through MoP?

I see you’re moving goalposts.

You claimed hover is removed until we can get it back later. Then claimed it wasn’t in earlier expansions.

Yet when I went from BC to Wrath, flying was removed until I could come up with the funds to pay for it at max level. Thus, hover was removed until later when flying could be unlocked.

The unlock mechanism is irrelevant.

+1 for lowering the barriers of entry for outdated content